Thoughts on A Course in Miracles

How to Take Yourself Less Personally

It was wonderful seeing those of you who made it to the Five Keys to Forgiveness workshop in New York City. We looked at forgiveness from many different perspectives, deepened our understanding of what forgiveness means, how it works, and used exercises to practice and experience forgiveness.

Today, let’s continue our forgiveness work by looking at how the ego thinks. The ego is a fear-based thought system which relies on us taking everything personally. The ego loves for us to feel insulted, outraged, taken advantage of, walked all over, judgmental and self-righteous.  These attitudes are automatic and we have to bring them into awareness in order to become free of them.

One way of looking at forgiveness is that it teaches us detachment. Unlike dissociation or denial, detachment is a healthy way of observing the ego, free of emotional involvement.  Detachment helps us take ourself and others less personally.  It takes practice to allow detachment, and can only be done with the help of the Holy Spirit, because it is a process of dis-identifying with the ego (personal sense of self) and re-identifying with God.

All the ego boils down to is a thought of separation, a “tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh” ~T-27.VIII.6:2.  We get to “choose again” in any given moment whether we want to take this idea of separation seriously, or find it humorous.  This is a potent turning point.  When we are willing to stop taking ourselves personally, we are willing to undo the projection that there is a self.  This is the moment when we choose to laugh!  And this willingness to laugh reveals that all tragedy is really tragicomedy (tragedy with a happy ending).

So how do we take ourselves less personally?

One, be willing to ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Two, give your thoughts to the Holy Spirit all day long.  Good ones, bad ones, just give everything to Spirit as often as you can remember.  This willingness to develop a relationship with God’s Holy Spirit naturally leads to Love.  This is the forgiveness practice ACIM offers us to help us recognize that what we thought our brother did to us has not occurred.

And three, choose again–allow a shift in perception to take place in your mind that permits any circumstance to be transformed into something laugh-worthy.  Then you will know that you are not the person you thought you were–you really are God’s beautiful child.  “How beautiful indeed are the Thoughts of God who live in His Light.” ~T-3.V.10:5

The undoing process will seem to take time and effort while we use this dream as an unlearning classroom, but in the moment of awakening all sense of suffering will simply evaporate.  Everybody is defending and attacking all the time, even if they don’t realize it (and especially if they don’t realize it) until that holy instant when we choose to “Be still and know that I am God.” ~T-4.Intro.2:2.

Tip:  Sometimes the way to take ourselves less personally is to allow ourselves to take whatever is bothering us very personally.  Paradoxically, it can really help to fully embrace and even exaggerate the upset feelings and thoughts we have, in order to bring them into consciousness.  This permits a full release.  Remember, you have to do this with the Holy Spirit as your guide, because the ego will never help free you from its thought system.  Next time, we’ll look more deeply into how to remember to laugh, especially if you’re in pain.

Can you think of an event in your life that seemed terribly important and/or  incredibly painful at the time it occurred, that you see differently now?  Take a few minutes to appreciate this shift in your perception.  If you would like to share your miracle, please email me at [email protected]

If you liked “How to Take Yourself Less Personally,” you may enjoy other essays in my ongoing series, How to Use the Body While You Think It’s You, including, “The Purpose of the Body,” “Body Health Is Not a Measurement of Spiritual Unfolding,” “Death Is Just a Belief,” “Flossing and Feldenkrais” and “Coming Apart at the ‘Seems’.”  Be sure to watch Webinar #10: The Purpose of the Body on YouTube 🙂  And check out my Facebook page devoted to body issues:

Copyright © 2012 Amy Torres.  All rights reserved worldwide.

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Spiritual Translation

~ Amy’s Unlearning Classroom Blog ~


When I first started studying A Course in Miracles in 1997, I grappled with the new definition of “forgiveness”* that Jesus offers us.  One day, the old English usage of “for to give” popped into my head.

For to give fear to Love
For to give guilt to Innocence
For to give pain to Peace

Then I remembered a lyric from the song, A Horse with No Name  by America (not Neil Young :)):

In the desert you can remember your name
‘Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain

This pop song, which I had mindlessly sung countless times when it was a hit in 1972, was suddenly offering me a spiritual solution to the riddle of forgiveness.

Didn’t Jesus spent forty days in the desert remembering his Name, that is, his true identity?  And once his true identity was remembered, so was his Oneness with all his brothers and every living thing, be it animal, vegetable or mineral.  In fact, there ain’t no one for to give you no pain once you awaken to the Truth that we are all One.

The lyric from A Horse with No Name was biblical, mystical–an ancient nomadic sojourn of a twentieth century cowboy using an awkward yet mesmerizing grammatical construction, for to give, that spontaneously inspired me to translate everything.

For to give dreams to Reality
For to give illusions to Truth
For to give separation to Unity

One of the nicknames ACIM uses for the Holy Spirit is the Translator.  Once the Holy Spirit became my Spiritual Psychotherapist and Guide, I embarked on a whole new level of translation!  Up until then, as a psychotherapist, one potent tool in my healing kit was the idea of translating emotional language from its surface meaning down into the underlying messages.

Psychotherapy is an art, because it is customized to each person’s deep psychological needs and beliefs.  I already loved the creativity involved in unraveling dysfunctional behavior through a process of emotional translation.  How exciting to discover that A Course in Miracles offered a translation process that frees us from the ego entirely!

For to give my Amy-identity to the Holy Spirit, Who,
in turn, gives me Love and reveals my God-Identity

This internal translation process kept working inside my head all day, every day, to this very day.  And my inner conviction about the Course’s Message keeps growing.

For to give sleep to Awakening
For to give ignorance to Knowledge
For to give nightmares to Happy Dreams
For to give time to Eternity
For to give space to Infinity
For to give fragmentation to Wholeness
For to give death to Life

Make your own “for to give” list.  Feel free to borrow from mine.  Let me know if you come up with some good ones.  And if this “technique” illuminates the ACIM forgiveness practice for you in a new way, please share.  Email me at [email protected]

*  Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred.  ~ACIM Workbook, 1. What Is Forgiveness?

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The Mythology of A Course in Miracles

For those of you who didn’t make it to the “Who Are You Really?” ACIM Conference in Cleveland, and for those of you who did and requested a copy of my slide show, the first part, “The Mythology of A Course in Miracles” is now posted on YouTube–just search for “Amy Torres Mythology” and it should pop up.

Stay tuned for “The Metaphysics of A Course in Miracles”, coming soon 🙂   Enjoy!

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Aftermath of Cleveland ACIM Conference 2012

Walter Davis and Rev Tony Senf did a tremendous job with the “Who Are You Really?” conference.  Love was overflowing from start to finish.  If you were there, you know what I mean.  If you were not, I’d like to wash some Love over you right now with a little description.  My fellow Course teachers were so sincere and so much fun!  What a pleasure to hang out with people who walk the walk.  And the students and volunteers were so engaged, warm, friendly, sweet, inquiring, and good-looking!  I love good-looking people, wink.  Plus, it’s always a treat to have Facebook friends show up in person and morph from cyber-friends into friends!  Thank you, everyOne–it was a joy being with You.  Oh, and one more thing–several people have asked for a copy of the slide show I presented.  I’m working on making a YouTube video so it will be available for all.

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The Temple Within

Darling Beloved,

It has been three months since I have written here, and though I thought of you often, those three months were much needed and well spent. I have been settling into my new home in Florida and working on some health issues that needed to be addressed. I am feeling much better now! I have organized my home and provided myself with a meditation hall/yoga studio. The house is uncluttered, spacious, and filled with the face of Christ.

For a long time I have wanted to maintain better eating habits and in April something called Cleanse America appeared in my email box. Because of how easy and inspiring they made this 10-day raw food cleanse for all of us who participated, and because Scott joined with me for the 10 days, I finally kickstarted a way of eating that has me feeling healthier and freer in my body than ever before. It’s not just the good eating habits. It’s my spiritual practice increasing in me day by day. String together over 20 years of undoing one day at a time and 20 years feels like a holy instant of priceless transformation.

As a result, I would like to share a beautiful vision I keep having with you. The inside of my body keeps appearing to me as levels of an inner temple. It reminds me of Damanhur in Northern Italy. A spiritual center built underground filled with the most beautiful mosaics, meditation alcoves, stained glass and sacred nooks and crannies filled with color, light and sound.  Within me, the experience is of one room stacked above another–just as if my chakras were rooms of gorgeous reflective light in jeweled tones of ruby, citrine, emerald, sapphire and diamonds.  Rooms revealed through a practice of spring cleaning my internal physiology by using food as medicine.

As the documentary, Forks Over Knives demonstrates, food can be more powerfully healing than medication.  Used well, food cleanses the colon, helps the liver and kidneys do their job of detoxification, nourishes us, builds strong bones and muscles, sharpens brain function and removes the sludge and blockages that the ego relies on to keep us in a state of forgetfulness of our God nature.

The vivid clarity with which I’m experiencing my insides being gorgeous rooms filled with kaleidoscopic Light led me to design a new Course in Miracles workshop called, “How to Use the Body While You Think It’s You.”  I’ll be presenting this material for the first time at the Who Are You Really? ACIM Conference coming up in June. 

Song of Vajra by Nicholas Roerich

The difference between intellectual comprehension and personal experience is the difference between gazing at the beauty of the ocean from the shore and immersing your body in the water.  As the Course says, “The prayer of the heart does not really ask for concrete things.”  As we learn to use the body for the Holy Spirit’s purpose we experience a Godly state of Mind–we uncover the Love, Peace and Joy within us:  The Temple Within.  If you would like to go there with me, I would love to share with you in person at the upcoming ACIM conference.  Cleveland never looked so good 😉  It should be a lot of fun!


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