Thoughts on A Course in Miracles

Welcome me not into a manger, but into the altar to holiness … *

NativityIsn’t it interesting that in the section in A Course in Miracles which mentions Christmas, Jesus tells us not to welcome him “into a manger” which limits him (and us) to the world?  He throws tradition out the window, and, instead, reminds us to return to the altar of holiness in our Mind.  That’s where Perfect Peace abides.  Then he goes on to reiterate that giving is receiving–a Message on which the Course is based.

Ken Wapnick** often teaches that the Jesus of A Course in Miracles is not the Jesus of the bible.  The bible-story Jesus has human emotions and works miracles that heal the body.  But the Course explains that “… the name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol.”  In other words,  Jesus the man is part of the illusory story the ego tells. ACIM would have us understand Jesus is actually the manifestation of the Holy Spirit–as are we.  For a deeper understanding of this, read the Manual for Teachers, #23. Does Jesus Have a Special Place in Healing? and Clarification of Terms #6. The Holy Spirit.

In the Song of Prayer supplement, we’re told, “Without guilt there is no scarcity.”  An Innocent Mind is a Whole, Unified Mind, and a Unified Mind overflows with abundance–It extends Love, Peace and Joy naturally, because that is All There Is.  Lesson 108: “To give and to receive are one in truth,” begins, “Vision depends upon today’s idea.” It’s a lesson worth reviewing during the “gift-giving” season. It offers a simple practice you might want to use:

To give is to receive. Today we will attempt to offer peace to everyone, and see how quickly peace returns to us. Light is tranquility, and in that peace is vision given us, and we can see.  Begin the practice periods by saying, “To give and to receive are one in truth.  I will receive what I am giving now. 

Then close your eyes, and for five minutes think of what you would hold out to everyone, to have it yours.  You might, for instance, say:  To everyone I offer quietness.  To everyone I offer peace of mind.  To everyone I offer gentleness.  Say each one slowly and then pause a while, expecting to receive the gift you gave.

* T-15.III.9:6
**Ken and  Gloria Wapnick have been teaching A Course in Miracles from the beginning and are founders of the teaching institute, Foundation for A Course in Miracles, which you can visit at

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Even, and especially, with the Sandy Hook tragedy, practice forgiveness

Many people, including President Obama, are weeping, feeling the unspeakable ache of the immensity of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut reverberating through our hearts.

As Course students, what do we do when confronted by human tragedy? We feel all the powerful, devastating feelings course through us. We grieve and we join, we unite and we undo. We love and we hug. We step back and let Him lead the way. We practice forgiveness.

Consider the extraordinary example of the Amish community who dealt with a very similar incident in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in 2006, when a gunman shot school children, ages 6 – 13, and then killed himself in their school. Forgiveness and reconciliation was the response of the Amish community–watch the movie Amish Grace, based on the book Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy by Donald Kraybill, Steven Nolt, and David L. Weaver-Zercher.

ACIM teaches us, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it” (T-16.IV.6).   When we are willing to seek and find these barriers to love, this opens us to feel at our core the peace of God in any and all circumstances (even as the personality struggles).  In so doing, we become the light at the end of the tunnel for others who cannot feel peace.

The Workbook teaches us how to accept guidance from the Holy Spirit and give all our barriers to Him. This purifies us and opens us as a conduit for God’s Loving Light. Transferring this Loving Light is what we can “do” when faced with something like the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown two days ago.

There is a Sufi expression, “An open heart is its own best protection.” ACIM teaches the same thing in Lessons 135 , “If I defend myself I am attacked” and 153, “In my defenselessness my safety lies.” Opening ourselves to the Beingness of God’s Loving Light makes us aware that there is an unshakable peace within us, even as the personality and the body rumbles with shock, despair and rage. Let it rumble and choose to change your mind, where all questions are always answered with Love.

Let us pray:
Holy Spirit, help us ease the pain of all who suffer by recognizing What We Already Are even as they do not. Help us see through your vision the Christ in every brother, without exception, and know that acts of violence are cries for help, that belief in death and the body is a mistake, and that we can know the Peace of God in this holy instant. Amen.

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A Spiritual Approach to Fear on 12.12.12

One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Hazrat Inayat Khan.  His words of wisdom are timeless, poetic and healing.  Below is a piece he wrote that corresponds well to the teachings of A Course in Miracles.  I like to say, “different teacher, same Message.”  This Message is a beautiful reminder to us on 12/12/12 that, despite all our human fears, our inner truth is Loving Light.

According to metaphysics fear is caused by the lack of light. Therefore the more light there is in the heart the more fearless the heart becomes. … When a person is afraid of a dog, he gives the dog a tendency to bite him. This can be noticed so plainly in the lower creation, that every animal is afraid of another animal, and the expectation of harm makes it fear more than does the idea of the hugeness of the form or the bodily strength of another animal. Many things in life can be brought about, not only by wanting them and thinking about them, but also by fearing them, both objects and conditions.

To clear one’s mind of fear is like bringing light into a dark room, and as light is needed to illuminate a dark room so the light of the soul is necessary to clear away the thought of fear. … When one fears, this world frightens one, but when one clears one’s heart of all fear, the whole world of illusion turns into one single vision of the sublime immanence of God.

One need not say that one should fear nothing, though one may say that fear is a bad thing. There is a story of a Brahmin, a young man who was very much impressed by what his guru told him: that the whole of manifestation is the immanence of God and that, therefore, there is nothing to fear, nothing to distrust. This thought made the young man feel quite at home in the world, quite comfortable.

Then one day a mad elephant came along the road on which the young man was walking.

The men running before the elephant yelled, ‘Away, away! The elephant is coming!’ But the young man would not get out of the way. With palms joined he stood as fearlessly before the elephant as one stands before God, as his guru had told him. The consequence was that the elephant gave him a shove and he fell down. He was brought to the guru who asked him what had happened.

The young man said, ‘Guruji, you said that all is the immanence of God, and therefore, in all reverence, I stood before the elephant with joined hands.’ The guru said, ‘Did anyone tell you to get out of the way?’ He replied, ‘Yes.’ ‘Why then,’ said the guru, ‘did you not stand before that man with joined hands and listen to him?’ Not to be deeply impressed by distrust does not mean that we should be over-ready to bestow our trust upon anyone, nor does giving up fear mean that we can stand in front of a moving motorcar thinking, ‘I trust it will be all right.’

What closes the doors of the heart is fear, confusion, depression, spite, discouragement, disappointment, and a troubled conscience. When that is cleared away, the doors of the heart open. … It is the open heart which receives the reflection of all impressions coming from outside. It is the open heart, which can receive reflections from the divine Spirit within.

The best practice one can make is to speak with oneself, with one’s own fear; to dispute with it, and to root out the reasons on whose foundations it rests. What generally happens is that all things one fears, one fears even to think of them. But the solution of getting above fear lies in analyzing the cause of the fear and so making it non-existent. Man by nature possesses a tremendous power hidden in his heart, the power which waits constantly to become manifest. This power is hidden by fear. The day when fear disappears, this latent power will manifest to view.

The essay you just read comes from Bowl of Saki under the title, “Do not do anything with fear; and fear not whatever you do.”  If you want more words of wisdom from Hazrat Inayat Khan, look under ACIM Resources on the right side of this page and click on “Wahiduddin’s Web.”

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The Sign of Christmas is a Star

“The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness.” ~T-15.XI.2:1.

Let  us remember, this holiday season, that Christmas (and every religious celebration at this time of year) is really about awakening to our Oneness.  Oneness is holiness, and holiness is wholeness.  What makes us whole?  Remembering that we are Loving Light.

True love is unconditional, and it includes everyone–all our brothers, and ourselves.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember this Light within you.  Use this picture to shift your perception from the outer world to your Inner Light.

Feel how naturally the Light expands, illuminating you from within until you cannot help but radiate this luminous Love. Whether Christmas is a joyful time or a painful time for you, remember that you have an Internal Teacher Who can help ignite the spark that is always inside you. Can you feel that star of Light within you?  Can you let yourself be that radiant star?

Beneath your worldly cares lies the Truth.  Your Source, the life force from which you originate, is always available.  Holidays are a particularly good time to tune in to Inner Guidance so that you remember what is truly important:  Love.  To Love and Be Loved is the “being” part of “human being.”  Christ-consciousness is simply “being” an extension of God’s Love.

“Being” and “creating” are the same Loving state of Mind.  There is no “doing” in Truth–the undoing practice of A Course in Miracles teaches us to step back and let our Internal Teacher, the Holy Spirit (the memory of God within us), lead the way.  Jesus was a follower, and he teaches us to follow the Holy Spirit, as he did.  Surprisingly, to follow is to be empowered (that’s a subject for another day).  And following is an unfolding that occurs effortlessly and naturally … if we let go of everything we’ve ever believed.

Holidays are Holy Days.  Holiness is wholeness.  This holiday season, I offer you this prayer, inspired by A Course in Miracles.  It will help you let go of everything you’ve ever believed–and shine the Love of God instead.  Repeat as often as you like:

God, help me know that the Truth in me remains as radiant as a star, as pure as Light, as innocent as Love Itself.  Therefore, I am a beacon of Loving Light guided by the Light Within Me.  And so it is.  Amen.


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The heart must be empty in order to receive the knowledge of God.

It is the innocent and pure soul who has a capacity for learning. When a person comes to take a lesson on any subject, and he brings his own knowledge with him, the teacher has little to teach him, for the doors of his heart are not open. His heart that should be empty in order to receive knowledge is occupied by the knowledge that he already had acquired. In order to know the truth or to know God earthly qualifications and earthly wisdom or learning are not necessary. What one has to learn is how to become a pupil.

It is the receptivity of our heart and the passivity of our mind, it is the eagerness, the thirst and hunger after truth, it is the direction of our whole life to that Ideal from who all light and truth come, that alone can bring us truth and the knowledge of God. All knowledge of the earth is as clouds covering the sun. It is the breaking of these clouds and clearness of the sky, or in other words the purity of heart, which give the capacity for the knowledge of God.

The innocence of Jesus has been known through the ages. In his every moment, in his every action, he appeared to be as a child. All the great saints and sages, the great ones who have liberated humanity, have been as innocent as children and at the same time wiser, much more so, than the worldly-wise. And what makes it so? What gives them this balance? It is repose with passiveness.

When they stand before God, they stand with their heart as an empty cup; when they stand before God to learn, they unlearn all things that the world has taught them; when they stand before God, their ego, their self, their life, is no more before them. They do not think of themselves in that moment with any desire to be fulfilled, with any motive to be accomplished, with any expression of their own; but as empty cups, that God may fill their being, that they may lose the false self.

The heart must be empty in order to receive the knowledge of God.

Bowl of Saki, November 26, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Pir-o-Murshid  Inayat Khan is one of my spiritual teachers.  Thank you, Murshid. 

And thank you Wahiduddin for your selfless service in providing us with this priceless Bowl of Saki every day!  For those of you interested in seeing more of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings, which weave so well with A Course in Miracles, here’s a link:  Wahiduddin’s Web

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A Place with No Name …

Many years ago, when I was a copywriter at an advertising agency, I wrote an ad for a print campaign for Crown Royal.  I don’t even remember what kind of alcohol Crown Royal is … something for fancy occasions, I think.  I couldn’t have been more unsuited to do this work, ha ha.  I didn’t drink and was uninterested in sales.  I had been an English major in college and thought copywriting might be a career path for me.

What I actually received was an education in human nature (which led me to psychology, which eventually led me to the spiritual psychology of A Course in Miracles).  All that said, I want to share a poem which came through me as the first ad of that ad campaign over 20 years ago:

A place with no name
Where time stands still
No questions asked

I was quite amazed when that inspirational haiku flowed through me!  More amazed when my creative department accepted it.  Astonished when the client bought it.  The ads were shot on beautiful balconies in Toronto and New Orleans … the color scheme was purple and gold … and the copy was supposed to evoke a mood … Some uplifting mood all right–Spirit smoothly infiltrated the worlds of alcohol and advertising!  Run that on the next episode of Mad Men.

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Is Thanksgiving Necessary?

Yes, thanksgiving is necessary–but not as a national holiday!

Use this practice from A Course in Miracles and experience the Peace, Joy and Love of true thanksgiving every day.

Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today. Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son.

This is as every day should be. Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in Him Who is your Father. Trust all things to Him. Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son. ~Lesson 232: Be in my mind, Father, through the day.

Practice means just that.  Repeat Lesson 232 over and over again.  Let everything that bothers you be a reminder to practice Lesson 232.  Be relentless.  See what happens.

Many years ago, when I thought I had come a long way and shouldn’t be in pain anymore, I reluctantly picked up Louise Hay’s classic book, You Can Heal Your Life, and read a section called, “My Daily Work”.  It turned out that even Louise Hay did daily maintenance.  One line from her routine stuck with me, and I’ve used it ever since, “This is one of the best days of my life.”

I was intrigued at the idea that every day, no matter what occurred, could be one of the best days of my life.  In fact, I took it one step further and revised it to, “This is the best day of my life”.  How liberating!  How mind-opening!  As a Course student, I knew that I cannot judge anything because I truly do not know what anything is for.  So no matter what seemingly happened, I could still see it as the best day of my life.  What a reversal!  What a shift in perception!

This is true thanksgiving.  Every day is the best day of your life, because every day is a day you can use to dwell with your Father.  Feel free to enjoy the holiday if that suits you.  Or not.  But whatever you do, remember:

Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today. Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son.

This is as every day should be. Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in Him Who is your Father. Trust all things to Him. Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son. ~Lesson 232: Be in my mind, Father, through the day.

Related essays: Giving Thanks to You, Giving Thanks and Receiving Is GivingAdmitting I Felt Ungrateful Released Me

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Congratulations, President Obama! An Auspicious Beginning …

Four years ago today,* I was sitting on a high wall in Egypt with about 40 other people, the Temple of Isis at our backs.  We were concluding an initiation ceremony which had begun in the sanctuary of the temple.  Forty pairs of feet dangled over the goddess river, the Nile, sensual with power, nurturing, abundant and kind, as we sat in silence, awaiting the dawn sun to activate our third eye.

We were on a spiritual sojourn with shamaness, Nicki Scully. We had risen at 4:30 am to arrive here by dawn.  The silence was alive with nature sounds and rich with Spirit.  We sat in the stillness and breathed, our legs dangling high above the river.

There was an unexpected call in the distance behind us, then brief whispering.  The whisper took a shape, and flowed in gentle waves to our ears:  “Obama won!”

I had mailed in my ballot before I left, and forgotten all about it.  Politics didn’t interest me.  It is not my calling to be a social or political activist.  My work is helping individuals to awaken one by one.  A Course in Miracles says, “Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.”  But, sometimes, that takes the form of voting 🙂

I had voted for Obama.  I didn’t see him as a savior, but he was multiracial and broke the American political mold.  Yes, he was a truer representative of the American people–and that, I felt, was better for the whole world.  I also felt his integrity, his honest desire to do good for the people.  A psychic healer I worked with in 1988 had told me that we would have a Black president in about 20 years.  And so it was!

A beautiful emotion moved through me, blossoming upwards, and tears of quiet joy seeped out of my eyes.  Without looking at each other, all 40 of us reached out and linked hands.  We quietly laughed and cried together.  Our sacred silence pulsed with happy relief and a great sense of promise as we sat in the timelessness of the island of Philae.

And now, here it is, 2012!  This time I submitted an early ballot in the state of Florida.**    I wept again this morning, listening to the results of this presidential election and Obama’s speech.  For me, Obama deserved to see through what he started in 2008.  My heart is glad that he is America’s leader at the start of the Aquarian Age.


*Technically, it was tomorrow, due to the time difference between Egypt and the USA 🙂

**What a surprise that I live in Florida now, and not in New York  City.  How strange that I moved to a hurricane state only a year before my hometown was struck hard by a hurricane!

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How many times have you promised yourself to do the ACIM Workbook? Now’s your chance.

Workin’ the Workbook, a 365-day ACIM with Amy online class, is my first cyber-workshop.

In 1998, the Workbook of A Course in Miracles changed my life forever.  After finishing all 365 lessons in 365 days, I literally felt reborn.  An iceberg of sin, guilt and fear fell away and I was more fearless and free than I had ever been!  Every year since then my state of mind has been excellent (and the circumstances of my life have consistently improved as well).

This year I feel inspired to support you in your Workbook practice.  So many students of the Course tell me that they would like to complete the Workbook but are stuck somewhere along the way.  Whether you are a newbie, an ACIM veteran, or somewhere in between, this class can be truly helpful.

Believe or not, doing the workbook practice can be a lot of fun!  Yes, there are painful problems and patterns to undo, but there is also the tremendous relief of unburdening yourself, and then the gift of uncovering Who You Really Are.

In Workin’ the Workbook, I do the lessons alongside you, clarifying their meaning and helping you more fully experience the exercises.  My background as a psychotherapist and yoga instructor makes me uniquely qualified to understand the process of ego-undoing on psychological, emotional and physical levels.

Let Workin’ the Workbook give you the structure, support, and inspiration to sustain your ACIM practice in 2013.  Give yourself the gift of a spiritual awakening.

Click here for details.   And … HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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Remembering to Laugh

Amy crosslegged whiteLaughing is the application of ACIM principles.  It’s right there in Chapter 27:  “Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects. Together, we can laugh them both away, and understand that time cannot intrude upon eternity. It is a joke to think that time can come to circumvent eternity, which means there is no time.” T-27.VIII.6:2-5

Dr. Bernie Siegel, the author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, has many stories to tell about the power of laughter.  There’s a whole school of yoga devoted to laughter.  Comedian John Cleese says, “Laughter is a force for democracy.” Cancer thriver, as Kris Carr calls herself, has laughed in the face of terminal disease.  Vice president Joe Biden shines light when he shares the tragic death of his wife and child.  How do we laugh when we’re least likely to feel like laughing?

Biden considered suicide but came to find, “There will come a day, I promise you, and your parents, as well, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye.”  He was speaking to the families of military veterans, but it goes for the rest of us as well.  It applies to anyone who has contemplated suicide or hurt inside in any way, for any reason.

“This is the great wake-up call, this is the great spiritual practice.  What am I going to do now?  Am I going to fold?,” asked Carr, author of Crazy, Sexy Cancer, who was given a death sentence but instead chose to keep smiling and become a peace revolutionary through a plant-based diet.

There is a saying, “Time heals all wounds.”  A Course in Miracles promises to save us time.  It teaches that miracles literally collapse time.  The miracle of laughter uses time for healing rather than brooding, simmering, panicking, collapsing, or seeking vengeance.

“The Holy Spirit uses time as He thinks best, and He is never wrong.  Psychotherapy under His direction is one of the means He uses to save time …” P-1.5:5-6

Laughter is psychotherapy.  Laughter is good medicine.  And when we just can’t bring ourselves to laugh, a wry comment, some dry humor, a small smile are better than nothing.  They are the equivalent of raising our eyes up from the ground and looking out towards the horizon.  There is some scientific evidence which shows that laughter, even when we force it, or fake it, stimulates chemical changes in the brain and body which are powerfully healing.

Of course, ACIM students learn that the only illness is mental illness and when we’re willing to change our minds, we find an inner peace that removes the wrinkles from our brow and puts a smile on our lips.  Remembering to laugh is choosing to forgive.  Lesson 121 is, “Forgiveness is the key to happiness,” and Lesson 122 follows with, “[Forgiveness] sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day.”

At the root of physical and emotional pain is always psychological pain.  Whether our situation is dramatic or mundane, we deserve to exercise our option to choose light and laughter.  Remembering to laugh is an undoing process that takes us from our personal problems all the way back to the one problem the Course says is the only real problem: believing the tiny, mad idea that we are separate from God.  All we have to do to establish inner peace is choose again, choose to recognize the cosmic joke is on us, and forgive, forgive, forgive!

TIP:  Paradoxically, sometimes the only way to laugh is to stop laughing.  When I was going through a “dark night of the soul,” it was healing for me to stop laughing and smiling, because I blocked people from helping me with my constant good cheer.  They just assumed I was okay.  So if it seems to you that your smile is a defense, relax into your pain and allow that energy to move through you.  This is easier said than done, because becoming vulnerable when we’re frozen with self-protection takes time.  And certain emotions feel dangerous.  But if you sincerely want to heal, the Holy Spirit will show you how, and will help you find a healer with whom to do release work.  You will laugh again.  And each time you do, time will melt into timelessness until you remember Who you already are.

Read previous, related issues of The Unlearning Classroom:

God Is In My Smile
Forgiveness is Fear-Removal
What Is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is Understanding


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