Author:Amy Torres

Lesson 347 – Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Atonement is the only weapon my Father offers me to combat fear.  Fear leads to anger and judgment.  Atonement is the Love principle itself, and cuts only one way: all calls for Love are met with Love, and Love is met with Love.  Atonement is the undoing of fear and separation.  Atonement is the paradoxical achievement of what never went away but was simply buried in illusion that Unity could be divided.  Atonement is the miracle that dissolves attachment to our perverse need to judge another, projecting out what we believe about ourselves, to achieve temporary relief.  This belief in judgment never works — how many times have we tried it and still been left unsatisfied?  Atonement judges us as completely loved and lovable, and it is this that I listen to today.


Anger must come from judgment.  Judgment is
The weapon I would use against myself,
To keep the miracle away from me.

Father, I want what goes against my will, and do not want what is my will to have.  Straighten my mind, my Father.  It is sick.  But You have offered freedom, and I choose to claim Your gift today.  And so I give all judgment to the One You gave to me to judge for me.  He sees what I behold, and yet He knows the truth.  He looks on pain, and yet He understands it is not real, and in His understanding it is healed.  He gives the miracles my dreams would hide from my awareness.  Let Him judge today.  I do not know my will, but He is sure it is Your Own.  And He will speak for me, and call Your miracles to come to me.

Listen today.  Be very still, and hear the gentle Voice for God assuring you that He has judged you as the Son He loves.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 346 – Today the peace of God envelops me, And I forget all things except His Love.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I would forget all things except Your Love.  I would remember only the truth of Your Love.  Your Love transcends time and time is nothing but a dream of leaving You.  To stop dreaming, awaken, know the truth of You is all I desire to desire without desire.  I allow the Peace of God to envelop me and feel a calm and relaxation suffuse me …


Today the peace of God envelops me,
And I forget all things except His Love.

Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things.  And so begins the day I share with You as I will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today.  I do not seek the things of time, and so I will not look upon them.  What I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time.  I would forget all things except Your Love.  I would abide in You, and know no laws except Your law of love.  And I would find the peace which You created for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys I made as I behold Your glory and my own.

And when the evening comes today, we will remember nothing but the peace of God.  For we will learn today what peace is ours, when we forget all things except God’s Love.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 345 – I offer only miracles today, For I would have them be returned to me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Instead of looking at a mirror and seeing myself, I can look into my Father’s mirror and see reflected what He sees when He looks at me, His Son.  The Unified shining Light that only Loves is all there is.  When I open myself as a conduit to the Holy Spirit … when I am willing to receive the healing that leads to true perception … only miracles exist, for I would offer them to have them and receive them to give them.


I offer only miracles today,
For I would have them be returned to me.

Father, a miracle reflects Your gifts to me, Your Son.  And every one I give returns to me, reminding me the law of love is universal.  Even here, it takes a form which can be recognized and see to work.  The miracles I give are given back in just the form I need to help me with the problems I perceive.  Father, in Heaven it is different, for there, there are no needs.  But here on earth, the miracle is closer to Your gifts than any other gift that I can give.  then let me give this gift alone today, which, born of true forgiveness, lights the way that I must travel to remember You.

Peace to all seeking hearts today.  The light has come to offer miracles to bless the tired world.  It will find rest today, for we will offer what we have received.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 344 – Today I learn the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

A dream is a mirage, something that disappears as I approach it … an illusion that I put my hand through … dreams seem real to me now, but not as real as they once did.  Today I learn the law of love — that what I give my brother is my gift to me.  I already have learned this and do live by it and yet there is more to assimilate and digest.  God’s formless food is the gift of Love which nourishes me and returns Our Oneness to my sleeping mind.


Today I learn the law of love; that what
I give my brother is my gift to me.

This is Your law, my Father, not my own.  I have not understood what giving means, and thought to save what I desired for myself alone.  And as I looked upon the treasure that I thought I had, I found an empty place where nothing ever was or is or will be.  Who can share a dream?  And what can an illusion offer me?  Yet he whom I forgive will give me gifts beyond the worth of anything on earth.  Let my forgiven brothers fill my store with Heaven’s treasures, which alone are real.  Thus is the law of love fulfilled.  And thus Your Son arises and returns to You.

How near we are to one another, as we go to God.  How near is He to us.  How close the ending of the dream of sin, and the redemption of the Son of God.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 343 – I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

God only gives.  He never takes away.  God does not ask me to sacrifice anything. He gives me the gift of Everything.  I am afraid to claim the gift of Everything because I suspect there is a catch.  The catch, I suspect, is that I will have to do things I don’t want to do, give up things I don’t want to give up, and, possibly, be annihilated.  The “I” of my imagination is correct that it will have to give up splits, divisions and optical illusions.  But the shining sun of my Father’s ever-radiating Heart, the me which is the One of us, the extension of Source, gains what It already has when “I” accept awakening as my quest, and step back and let Spirit lead the way.


I am not asked to make a sacrifice
To find the mercy and the peace of God.

The end of suffering can not be loss.  The gift of everything can be but gain.  You only give.  You never take away.  And You created me to be like You, so sacrifice becomes impossible for me as well as You.  I, too, must give.  And so all things are given unto me forever and forever.  As I was created I remain.  Your Son can make no sacrifice, for he must be complete, having the function of completing You.  I am complete because I am Your Son.  I cannot lose, for I can only give, and everything is mine eternally.

The mercy and the peace of God are free.  Salvation has no cost.  It is a gift that must be freely given and received.  And it is this that we would learn today.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 342 – I let forgiveness rest upon all things, For thus forgiveness will be given me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

The key is in my hand … I am standing at the door beyond which lies the end of dreams, lies Heaven.  I stand there wondering if I should enter and be at Home.  My Home lies just over this threshold.  What makes me hesitate?  I cannot go alone, nor do I want to go alone.  I must take everyone with me.  And, yes, I would!  As I lift my foot and enter the doorway, we all evaporate together … the evaporation of many drops results in One Ocean of Love.  There is no memory Here, for there is no past Now.  Forgiveness is the method of undoing beliefs in what never happened so that Knowledge, forever Unchanging, Changelessly blooms anew.


I let forgiveness rest upon all things,
For thus forgiveness will be given me.

I thank You, Father, for Your plan to save me from the hell I made.  It is not real.  And You have given me the means to prove its unreality to me.  The key is in my hand, and I have reached the door beyond which lies the end of dreams.  I stand before the gate of Heaven, wondering if I should enter in  and be at home.  Let me not wait again today.  Let me forgive all things, and let creation be as You would have it be and as it is.  Let me remember that I am Your Son, and opening the door at last, forget illusions in the blazing light of truth, as memory of You returns to me.

Brother, forgive me now.  I come to you to take you home with me.  And as we go, the world goes with us on our way to God.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 341 – I can attack but my own sinlessness, And it is only that which keeps me safe.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I can only attack my own Innocence.  And it is only my Innocence which keeps me safe because Innocence is Unification and as One we cannot attack Our Self.  Nor would we have any desire to attack when we are in harmony with our One Self.  There is no desire to cut off our nose to spite our face.  Truly, it is our Nature to Extend.  And all we are extending is Love or Light — call it what you will, It is Good, Beautiful and Holy.  We are Good, Beautiful and Holy.


I can attack but my own sinlessness,
And it is only that which keeps me safe.

Father, Your Son is holy.  I am he on whom You smile in love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe and still the universe smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness.  How pure, how safe, how holy, then, are we, abiding in Your Smile, with all Your Love bestowed upon us, living one with You, in brotherhood and Fatherhood complete; in sinlessness so perfect that the Lord of Sinlessness conceives us as His Son, a universe of Thought completing Him.

Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us.  And in its kind reflection we are saved.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 340 – I can be free of suffering today.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I was born into this world but to achieve this day … I can be free of suffering today.  Truth be told, I’m having a tough day today.  I’m willing to believe there is no room for anything but joy and thanks today … I am willing to believe there is no room for anything but joy and thanks today.  Even though my circumstances and the demands of the world seem consuming today, I am willing to believe there is no room for anything but joy and thanks today … and in spite of everything, I feel my heart lift.  If I use today’s lesson today, at the very least my day will improve exponentially.  And at best?  Peace and joy beyond words.  I feel an inner shift … here comes the miracle … 🙂


I can be free of suffering today.

Father, I thank You for today, and for the freedom I am certain it will bring.  This day is holy, for today Your Son will be redeemed.  His suffering is done.  For he will hear Your Voice directing him to find Christ’s vision through forgiveness, and be free forever from all sufferingThanks for today, my Father.  I was born into this world but to achieve this day, and what it holds in joy and freedom for Your holy Son and for the world he made, which is released along with him today.

Be glad today!  Be glad!  There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today.  Our Father has redeemed His Son this day.  Not one of us but will be saved today.  Not one who will remain in fear, and none the Father will not gather to Himself, awake in Heaven in the Heart of Love.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 339 – I will receive whatever I request.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
This lesson can be easily misunderstood, especially if blended with Law of Attraction principles.  Jesus is reminding us that we can request Peace which is Unified Mind, or conflict and fear which is the result of ego/separated mind.  Remember, there is always only one problem and one solution: the problem is that we are dreaming we are individual people in a world of time and space.  The solution is to request Guidance to help us awaken from the dream.

Forgiveness is redefined as a method of recognizing the illusory dream for what it is — a figment of our imagination.  Forgiveness allows us to give all our fears and misconceptions about who we are to Spirit to be transformed into Truth.  If we request God’s Peace, Love and Joy we will get it.  The ego says, “BUT you will be destroyed — you won’t be ‘you’ anymore.”  That’s how we mistake the “pleasure” of being an individual as preferable to being Unified.  Joy seems painful, threatening and dangerous when it becomes clear that Joy is a state of Unified Mind.

It seems as if we will have to give up all kinds of people, circumstances and things we cherish and hold dear if we are Unified Wholeness.  Don’t worry — this melting away of ideas of separateness will only lead to real Peace, Love and Joy.  You’ll find out if you really heed the prayer at the end of this lesson: Father, this is Your Day. It is a day in which I would do nothing by myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do; requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts You share with me.


I will receive whatever I request.

No one desires pain.  But he can think that pain is pleasure.  No one would avoid his happiness.  But he can think that joy is painful, threatening and dangerous.  Everyone will receive what he requests.  But he can be confused indeed about the things he wants; the state he would attain.  What can he then request that he would want when he receives it?  He has asked for what will frighten him, and bring him suffering.  Let us resolve today to ask for what we really want, and only this, that we may spend this day in fearlessness, without confusing pain with joy, or fear with love.

Father, this is Your day.  It is a day in which I would do nothing by myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do; requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts You share with me.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 338 – I am affected only by my thoughts.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Things get very quiet now.  As I exchange each fear thought for a happy thought of love, ego thinking dissolves and Thought Itself is Stillness …


I am affected only by my thoughts.

It needs but this to let salvation come to all the world.  For in this single thought is everyone released at last from fear.  Now has he learned that no one frightens him, and nothing can endanger him.  He has no enemies, and he is safe from all external things.  His thoughts can frighten him, but since these thoughts belong to him alone, he has the power to change them and exchange each fear thought for a happy thought of love.  He crucified himself.  Yet God has planned that His beloved Son will be redeemed.

Your plan is sure, my Father,–only Yours.  All other plans will fail.  And I will have thoughts that will frighten me, until I learn that You have given me the only Thought that leads me to salvation.  Mine alone will fail, and lead me nowhere.  But the Thought You gave me promises to lead me home, because it holds Your promise to Your Son.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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