The Irresistible Attraction of Love for Love
Rest assured that the irresistible attraction of love for love is the strongest power within you. Whether you are in touch with it right now, or not, it will emerge eventually and restore your connection with God.
Chapter 12 of the ACIM Text is called The Holy Spirit’s Curriculum, and in it Jesus tells us, “When you want only love you will see nothing else.”
Are you able to feel love for yourself? Many, many people are self-critical and believe that self-love is conceited and selfish. If this describes you, please know that chronic self-criticism is not helping you become a better person, achieve humility, or be selfless.
You may also have noticed that you seem to be in relationships with blamers, that is, people who blame you for everything. Self-critical people and blamers fit together like hand in glove. Often, the one who is blamed agrees that they are guilty of having done something wrong, yet, there is also an underlying feeling of injustice.
You may recognize the self-blamer and the blamer within yourself. This is because the ego is a contradictory, paradoxical thought system which has made you the victim of yourself. The way this works is that the ego keeps us endlessly distracted by two choices: victim or attacker. Usually, you will identify with one more than the other — notice if you usually feel attacked or the victim of attack. The ego has had great success with mesmerizing us with these two choices, however, eventually, it becomes clear that there is a third choice, a better way.
The third choice is unified love — no victim/no attacker. The ego paradigm of guilt, punishment and death melts away as you see through the ego dream state to the One Self you truly are. This can occur over many years of mind-shifting as your spiritual path builds conviction within you. There can be significant spiritual experiences along the way which are best used to confirm that you are on The Path, following your Inner Teacher Home.
The One Self appears to be many, in conflict, and, occasionally in love, but unaware that these billions of people on earth are all versions of Itself in diverse costumes. When you want only love, you “get it” that the abused “you” is also the abuser “you” and there is a holy instant of release as you rise above the battleground and allow a miraculous shift in perception from eyesight to Vision, from image-making to Formless LoveLight.
This timeless, formless LoveLight is your God-Self. The mighty magnetism of your God-Self is constantly attracting you to Love. As powerful as belief in the ego is, it cannot come close to trumping the Love which is your true inner Self.
Nothing external is true. No interpretations or judgments are true. Death is not true. Shapes and forms come and go in the shadowy dream world the ego has been calling real life, but the brilliant Light within you dissolves all that nonsense instantly — when you want only love. Love is all-inclusive. Treasured wounds and righteousness about enemies are seen as two sides of one coin … and the coin disappears back into the no-thingness from which it came.
Begin where you are at. Lesson 153, In my defenselessness my safety lies, impacted my personal relationships so powerfully that I was freed from many terrors and weaknesses as I practiced it. Something that helps that profoundly is easily embraced for years and years, until the original relationship with the Holy Spirit, your Inner Self, is re-discovered.
You can also try Lesson 153 for yourself. Or use any lesson or concept from A Course in Miracles that resonates with you as a mental touchstone to guide you back to timeless love, effortless joy and inner peace. I often used phrases from the Text in exactly the same way as workbook lessons. Trust your Inner Self, the Holy Spirit. Then you will find that the irresistible attraction of love for love is a tidal wave of clarity, well-being and embrace of the Impersonal Self you can never abandon and which never abandons You.
Click here for a free companion piece on what to do when you have an Extra-Strength Ego.
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