Lesson 337 – My sinlessness protects me from all harm.
Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
Each of us reaches a tipping point. It must come within the individual, and then the One Consciousness is discovered. Whenever you are ready, it is recognized that the dream is over and we are all One in a formless state of Stillness and Peace. And so It Is. Amen.
My sinlessness protects me from all harm.
My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thought of loss; complete deliverance from suffering. And only happiness can be my state, for only happiness is given me. What must I do to know all this is mine? I must accept Atonement for myself, and nothing more. God has already done all things that need be done. And I must learn I need do nothing of myself, for I need but accept my Self, my sinlessness, created for me, now already mine, to feel God’s Love protecting me from harm, to understand my Father loves His Son; to know I am the Son my Father loves.
You who created me in sinlessness are not mistaken about what I am. I was mistaken when I thought I sinned, but I accept Atonement for myself. Father, my dream is ended now. Amen.
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