My experience with the ACIM Workbook Lessons Tag

Lesson 324 – I merely follow, for I would not lead.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Jesus was a follower of God and that made him a natural leader of people.  If I follow in the footsteps of Jesus, I learn to be a good follower and Everything flows from there.  I merely follow, for I would not lead.  This much I know: I have led my own life and it was filled with fear and pain.  Now I place myself in God’s hands and every day is a good day.


I merely follow, for I would not lead.

Father, You are the One Who gave the plan for my salvation to me. You have set the way I am to go, the role to take, and every step in my appointed path. I cannot lose the way. I can but choose to wander off a while, and then return. Your loving Voice will always call me back, and guide my feet aright. My brothers all can follow in the way I lead them. Yet I merely follow in the way to You, as You direct me and would have me go.

So let us follow One Who knows the way. We need not tarry, and we cannot stray except an instant from His loving Hand. We walk together, for we follow Him. And it is He Who makes the ending sure, and guarantees a safe returning home.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 322 – I can give up but what was never real.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

If I accept God’s gifts, the memory of Him arises in my mind.  I am the one who willfully forgot God, but what I forgot still exists.  Now that I know I played this game of forgetfulness and that I continue to review what never happened, I can choose again.  Therefore, “What loss can I anticipate except the loss of fear, and the return of love into my mind?”  Yes, this “sacrifice” I am more than willing to make–the welcome sacrifice of fearful thoughts that obscure True Thought and block Peace of Mind.


I can give up but what was never real.

I sacrifice illusions; nothing more. And as illusions go I find the gifts illusions tried to hide, awaiting me in shining welcome, and in readiness to give God’s ancient messages to me. His memory abides in every gift that I receive of Him. And every dream serves only to conceal the Self which is God’s only Son, the likeness of Himself, the Holy One Who still abides in Him forever, as He still abides in me.

Father, to You all sacrifice remains forever inconceivable. And so I cannot sacrifice except in dreams. As You created me, I can give up nothing You gave me. What You did not give has no reality. What loss can I anticipate except the loss of fear, and the return of love into my mind?

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 321 – Father, my freedom is in You alone.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

The way to God is opening and clear to me at last … His Voice directs me and the direction is always the same: do not listen to your made-up self.  Listen to Me.  This listening quiets all the sounds I thought I heard and, instead, dynamic stillness is Alive with God’s Music — one all-inclusive Song of Freedom, Harmony and Beingness.  There is no “I,” there is no “thou,” there is no consciousness at all.  Beingness begets Beingness and words become unnecessary because Freedom is something beyond what human brains can understand.


Father, my freedom is in You alone.

I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it.  Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me.  Now I would guide myself no more.  For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom.  But I trust in You.  You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me.  Your Voice directs me, and the way to You  is opening and clear to me at last.  Father, my freedom is in You alone.  Father, it is my will that I return.

Today, we answer for the world, which will be freed along with us.  How glad are we to find our freedom through the certain way our Father has established.  And how sure is all the world’s salvation, when we learn our freedom can be found in God alone.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 320 – My Father gives all power unto me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

My Father is always shining upon my mind for I am within His Mind.  What He shines gives me full power to extend His Love, Strength, Peace and Joy to All.  What He shines is Unifying, Innocent, Beautiful, Relaxing, Energizing, Alive, Still … this Endless Power is available to everyone, all of us, just as an outlet is available for a plug.  Plugging in to Spirit is to be charged limitlessly and free of charge 😉  Our only choice is “when.”  How about Now?


My Father gives all power unto me.

The Son of God is limitless.  There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father gave in his creation.  What he wills with his Creator and Redeemer must be done.  His holy will can never be denied, because his Father shines upon his mind, and lays before it all the strength and love in earth and Heaven.  I am he to whom all this is given.  I am he in whom the power of my Father’s Will abides.

Your Will can do all things in me, and then extend to all the world as well through me.  There is no limit on Your Will.  And so all power has been given to Your Son.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 319 – I came for the salvation of the world.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

When there is no arrogance, the truth will come immediately, and fill up the space the ego left unoccupied by lies.

When there is no arrogance (arrogance is the belief in a separate self), the truth will come immediately (the knowing of Oneness), and fill up the space the ego left unoccupied by lies (the story the ego tells is a lie and this lie takes up mental space which clutters and blocks the mind from knowing Itself as the Loving Oneness It Is).

Restore the fearlessness which is my true nature and comes with knowing there is no pain, no attack, no loss, no loneliness, no incompetence, no deprivation, no vulnerability, no body, no needs.  In this way will “I” save the world, by remembering there is no “me” and in that remembrance releasing the arrogance which blocks “me” from the True Self.


I came for the salvation of the world.

Here is a thought from which all arrogance has been removed, and only truth remains.  For arrogance opposes truth.  But when there is no arrogance the truth will come immediately, and fill up the space the ego left unoccupied by lies.  Only the ego can be limited, and therefore it must seek for aims which are curtailed and limiting.  The ego thinks that what one gains, totality must lose.  And yet it is the Will of God I learn that what one gains is given unto all.

Father, Your Will is total.  And the goal which stems from it shares its totality.  What aim but the salvation of the world could You have given me?  And what but this could be the Will my Self has shared with You?

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 318 – In me salvation’s means and end are one.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

One purpose, one aim.  Salvation’s purpose is to find the Innocence which God placed in me and you and for me to see us as the same united Innocent One.  The end and the means are the same.  There need be no justification of Eternal Oneness.  I was created as the thing I seek … in other words, I am that which I am searching for … Oneness is “my” true Identity.  There is no “me” in Oneness and that is good.  The ego is afraid of “annihilation” but what is only a dream can never be real and what is not real cannot be annihilated.  For that matter, what is Real cannot be annihilated.  So, all is well.  Even if I do not feel well, all is well.  Even if I do not believe all is well, all is well.  All is well despite my most convincing imaginings.  Aaah, there is the relief the Comforter provides … Stillpoint.


In me salvation’s means and end are one.

In me, God’s holy Son, are reconciled all parts of Heaven’s plan to save the world.  What could conflict, when all the parts have but one purpose and one aim?  How could there be a single part that stands alone, or one of more or less importance than the rest?  I am the means by which God’s Son is saved, because salvation’s purpose is to find the sinlessness that God has placed in me.  I was created as the thing I seek.  I am the goal the world is searching for.  I am God’s Son, His one eternal Love.  I am salvation’s means and end as well.

Let me today, my Father, take the role You offer me in Your request that I accept Atonement for myself.  For thus does what is thereby reconciled in me become as surely reconciled to You.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 317 – I follow in the way appointed me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I didn’t know I was a slave of time and human destiny until I realized I was the dreamer of the dream.  Now I know.  Now I am willing, and more than willing, to recognize what I already am.  And so I follow.  I follow in the way appointed me, by the teacher I choose.  Holy Spirit, I choose You to guide me that I may feel the Truth and live It as long as I perceive myself “here.”  Help me feel my Father’s sure, protective arms around me.  Help me ask every day, until it is no longer necessary, “Who goes with me?”  Help me follow, as my brother Jesus did, in the way appointed me.  There is nothing to fear, no crucifixion, no deathThere is only Love and more Love.  Amen.


I follow in the way appointed me.

I have a special place to fill; a role for me alone.  Salvation waits until I take this part as what I choose to do.  Until I make this choice, I am the slave of time and human destiny.  But when I willingly and gladly go the way my Father’s plan appointed me to go, then will I recognize salvation is already here, already given all my brothers and already mine as well.

Father, Your way is what I choose today.  Where it would lead me do I choose to go; what it would have me do I choose to do.  Your way is certain, and the end secure.  The memory of You awaits me there.  And all my sorrows end in Your embrace, which You have promised to Your Son, who thought mistakenly that he had wandered from the sure protection of Your loving Arms.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 316 – All gifts I give my brothers are my own.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

When I accept that my treasure house is full, I am willing to recognize the Light in myself and others.  Then “self” becomes Self and “others” become brothers.  How simple, pure and True.  If I give my brothers the gift of Light and Truth, I recognize we All are Light and Truth.


All gifts I give my brothers are my own.

As every gift my brothers give is mine, so every gift I give belongs to me.  Each one allows a past mistake to go, and leave no shadow on the holy mind my Father loves.  His grace is given me in every gift a brother has received throughout all time, and past all time as well.  My treasure house is full, and angels watch its open doors that not one gift is lost, and only more are added.  Let me come to where my treasures are, and enter in where I am truly welcome and at home, among the gifts that God has given me.

Father, I would accept Your gifts today.  I do not recognize them.  Yet I trust that You Who gave them will provide the means by which I can behold them, see their worth, and cherish only them as what I want.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 315 – All gifts my brothers give belong to me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Although I am a naturally appreciative person, practicing today’s lesson for many years before I ever read it, the idea of “thanks” and “gratitude” has been problematic for me.  To be told to be “thankful,” felt like a scolding, as if I had been complaining and should feel guilty about my ungrateful nature.  I feel good turning my misunderstandings and guilty feelings over to Jesus, laying them at His feet as gifts on His altar.  He would never have me feel guilty, scolded, criticized, obligated or ashamed.  And He welcomes me disposing of these miscreated “thoughts” and opening my heart and mind to receive all that is already Ours.  All gifts my brothers give belong to me and my heart is full with Gladness.


All gifts my brothers give belong to me.

Each day a thousand treasures come to me with every passing moment.  I am blessed with gifts throughout the day, in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive.  A brother smiles upon another, and my heart is gladdened.  Someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy, and my mind receives this gift and takes it as its own.  And everyone who finds the way to God becomes my savior, pointing out the way to me, and giving me his certainty that what he learned is surely mine as well.

I thank you, Father, for the many gifts that come to me today and every day from every Son of God.  My brothers are unlimited in all their gifts to me.  Now may I offer them my thankfulness, that gratitude to them may lead me on to my Creator and His memory.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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Lesson 314 – I seek a future different from the past.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Being in the present extends a new future of Ever-present Love … which leads to an Eternal Present in which a future is unnecessary.  Seeking a future different from the past is simply the willingness to ask for a better way, to accept that we know nothing, to suspend all judgment.  And, voila!, the Timeless Present is revealed.


I seek a future different from the past.

From new perception of the world there comes a future very different from the past.  The future now is recognized as but extension of the present.  Past mistakes can cast no shadows on it, so that fear has lost its idols and its images, and being formless, it has no effects.  Death will not claim the future now, for life is now its goal, and all the needed means are happily provided.  Who can grieve or suffer when the present has been freed, extending its security and peace into a quiet future filled with joy?

Father, we were mistaken in the past, and choose to use the present to be free.  Now do we leave the future in Your Hands, leaving behind our past mistakes, and sure that You will keep Your present promises, and guide the future in their holy light.

Let’s practice together!  Click here for more information and to sign-up for Workin’ the Workbook, my online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.  

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