Today’s ACIM Lesson

Lesson 2: I have given everything I see in this room all the meaning that it has for me.

The central idea in Lesson 2 develops the initial idea in Lesson 1. We progress from allowing the possibility that nothing we see means anything to everything we see is only meaningful based on the meaning we have given it.

The exercises, the way we practice this idea, is the same as Lesson 1. We look around from near to further away, excluding nothing on purpose, but neither do we compulsively include everything. We use eyesight differently, indiscriminately applying the idea to various shapes and forms using the “sole criterion … that our eyes have lighted on it.”

Rupert Spira

Consider how Rupert Spira puts it, “It is our exclusive interest in objects that give them their apparently independent reality. When attention shifts from the seen object to pure seeing, the apparently separate reality of the object disappears and its true reality–the light of pure Knowing–shines.”

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Lesson 1: Nothing I see in this room means anything.

Personal Values by Rene Magritte

The purpose of Lesson 1 is to “make no allowance for differences,” no matter what we are looking at. The idea, “Nothing I see in this room means anything” is to be used “totally indiscriminately.”

If nothing we see means anything, which translates to everything we see means nothing, Lesson 1 holds out the potential for us to question all of our established beliefs. Ego perceives this as threatening. But deeper than your personal ego identity lies your connection to Spirit. Spirit resonates with Lesson 1 as uplifting and empowering.

You can only know this for yourself, through practicing the lesson and experiencing the lesson’s effects. If something within opens, expands, softens, releases, settles, feels peaceful, loving, quietly joyful or even a hint of these, you’re on the right track.

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Sickness is a defense against the truth

At the end of last class, a question came up, “What does ‘sickness is a defense against the truth’ mean?” This is a topic even seasoned students of A Course in Miracles can face over and over again, as we encounter physical illness, injuries and aging, which can be very distracting and consuming on the body level.

I like how Ken Wapnick has explained that, in A Course in Miracles, the ego mind’s decision to be guilty of separating from God is the cause of all sickness.

Ken says the purpose sickness serves in the ego thought system is as a defense against God’s Love. Therefore, true healing takes place in the mind rather than the body, and undoes our belief in the reality of guilt.

We heal by turning to the Holy Spirit, correcting our original mistake of having turned to the ego, and joining the Holy Spirit’s healing thoughts of forgiveness.*

Of course you don’t have to take Ken’s word for it — just read the Course and get it straight from Jesus :).

*You can purchase Ken’s workshop Sickness and Healing for his 11-hour explanation ;-).

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Are you practicing ACIM forgiveness?

When we awaken, there is no need for forgiveness because in a Oneness joined as One, there is no disharmony. That is why we are told in A Course in Miracles, “God does not forgive because He has never condemned.”

But in the ego dream, which is our ACIM-designated classroom, forgiveness is our way out πŸ™‚ So, the question arises, are you actually practicing forgiveness?

This is not a challenge or an accusation. It’s an invitation to check in with yourself and a reminder to choose again.

Do you say good night to Jesus/Holy Spirit before you fall asleep* and greet Them with “good morning” when you awake?

Are you requesting spiritual guidance throughout your day?

Do you choose, in challenging moments, to pause and remember that there is “another way” and you can turn to your Internal Teacher aka Jesus/Holy Spirit?

Forgiveness is forgiving πŸ™‚ Please forgive yourself immediately if you are not saying “yes” to these questions. Jesus won’t hold it against you.

And if you are saying yes, but feel like you’re still not experiencing inner peace, let’s talk about it and find out what may be blocking you. Come to Wednesday class, book a 1-1 consultation with me, or you might want to watch: Five Keys to Forgiveness.

* Sweet Dreams of Awakening: 365 Good Night Blessings was given for this (available on

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How to read A Course in Miracles

Underneath the words of A Course in Miracles is a deeper, spiritually comprehensive “language” which I call Light Language.

Ken Wapnick says A Course in Miracles is written like an epic poem and has the musical flow of a symphony.

When first reading the Course, let it flow over you without a need to make sense of it. Many people describe the ACIM text as dense, but it need not be experienced that way. Arthur Fine, a long time Course practitioner, says the language first seemed convoluted and impossible to understand but after a while flowed like syrup.

Come to A Course in Miracles with an open heart and open mind. Be a sponge and soak in the wisdom and beauty that the surface words symbolize. Absorb the mighty Light Language beneath the written symbols.

We experience the wisdom and guidance of ACIM to the degree we can tolerate Truth.

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True Empathy

“To empathize does not mean to join in suffering, for that is what you must refuse to understand.” ACIM T-16.I.1:1

How do we show love to those who are suffering without joining in the suffering?

And how do we remain full at heart, not callous, and be with suffering without suffering?

Let us delve into the True Empathy section of A Course in Miracles, found at the beginning of Chapter 16, The Forgiveness of Illusions.

Tomorrow, September 11th, 2024, is the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, a time when the past looms large for some … and is not remembered at all by others (especially those born after 2001). We can use it as an opportunity to experience true empathy, as defined in A Course in Miracles, and the Love and Liberation it offers.

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Most people use the word “love” too freely

A Course in Miracles states in the introduction to the text that it aims “at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.”

Last class, I invited you to experience love, in your body, and energetically. Most people use the word “love” too freely, not connecting with an actual experience.

As Course students, it is essential to be honest with ourselves and with Spirit. If you have been saying, “I love you” to people without actually connecting with loving feelings and sensations, how are you going to recognize the Love that is within you?

Too often, love is tossed around through obligation and as an intellectual concept. Or pseudo-experienced as sentimentality and/or excessive emotion which is actually a psychological defense against genuine emotion.

Let’s remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence by entering into the forbidden territory of psychological defenses, willing to allow Spirit to shine light into the dark places where we have been hiding.

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If you missed class last week, or want to review, here’s the recording: Lottery Ticket

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God, please let me win the lottery!

An old man goes into a synagogue and prays, “O Lord, you know the mess I’m in, please let me win the lottery.” The next week he comes back and complains, “O Lord, didn’t you hear my prayer last week? I’ll lose everything I hold dear unless I win the lottery.” The third week, desperate, he laments, “O Lord, this is the third time I’ve prayed to You to let me win the lottery! I beg and plead and still you don’t help me!” Suddenly, a booming voice sounds from Heaven, “Old man, at least meet me halfway. Buy a lottery ticket!”*

My point, in sharing this joke with you, is that your participation in the forgiveness practice offered by Jesus in A Course in Miracles is crucial.

You cannot just give your troubles to Jesus/the Holy Spirit and walk away, leaving Them to clean up your mess. You must hang out with Jesus/HS and look at what you’ve given from Their position.

The Introduction to the ACIM Workbook for Students says, “The workbook is divided into two main sections, the first dealing with the undoing of the way you see now, and the second with the acquisition of true perception.”

The only way to undo how we see now is to look at how we see with Jesus/HS. As we look with Them, eyesight gives way to Vision, and true perception is inevitable.

You must make the effort to “buy the lottery ticket” because if you don’t, you’re wishing and hoping, which will never get you out of the ego thought system. The way out is through. The practical application of forgiveness is using the people and situations in your life to recall your projections.

The Holy Spirit uses anything the ego made to show you how to see through what the ego made. When you find yourself rejecting something because it is not what you consider spiritual, drop all judgment and pause … turn to your Inner Teacher and be attentive to Inner Guidance.

People, books, activities, jobs, health information, travel, politics, psychotherapy, dance, military service, law enforcement, nature, animals, children, hobbies, TV shows, songs, license plates, dreams, and so much more are symbols the Holy Spirit can use to help you see differently, to help you connect with inner peace, to help you tune in consistently to genuine Guidance.

Your human life/earth world classroom is where you put to work the mind training exercises. You practice choosing again, joining with Spirit, seeing from another perspective, experiencing a shift in perception, with everyone and everything without exception, over and over again.

Earth angels (humans who are exceptionally kind, wise, etc) will come along and introduce you to earthly healing interventions. This may seem counter to ACIM teaching. But it is not if it is used by the Holy Spirit.

“The name of Jesus is the name of one who was a man but saw the face of Christ in all his brothers and remembered God. So he became identified with Christ, a man no longer, but at one with God. The man was an illusion, for he seemed to be a separate being, walking by himself, within a body that appeared to hold his self from Self, as all illusions do. Yet who can save unless he sees illusions and then identifies them as what they are? Jesus remains a Savior because he saw the false without accepting it as true. And Christ needed his form that He might appear to men and save them from their own illusions.” C-5.2:1-6

Let’s talk about how to buy the lottery ticket in your life so you are not just reading A Course in Miracles, but actually using its forgiveness practice to encounter inner peace which releases the fear that holds you captive to the ego.

*There are many versions of this joke. This version is adapted from

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The Light of Communication

The metaphor of light is used all throughout A Course in Miracles.

“The Light of Communication” is a section in Chapter 14 that illuminates how we have broken communication with Spirit and how we can reestablish communication.

“You who speak in dark and devious symbols do not understand the language you have made.” T-14.VI.6:1

As Ken Wapnick taught us again and again, we must become aware of the problem in order to address the problem. He also emphasized, “Problems that have no meaning cannot be resolved within the framework they are set.” W-96.3:1

Which brings us to changing our minds. “The power of decision, which you made in place of the power of creation, He [the Holy Spirit] would teach you how to use on your behalf.” T-14.VI.5:6

Let’s read “The Light of Communication” together and luxuriate in absorbing the wisdom shining through the words.

“The quiet light in which the Holy Spirit dwells within you is merely perfect openness, in which nothing is hidden and therefore nothing is fearful.” T-14.VI.2:1

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If you missed class last week, or want to review, here’s the recording: What is a Miracle?

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… this is not done to me, but I am doing this …

Let’s deepen our connection with what a miracle is and how miracle-mindedness moves us closer to Reality.

“This world is full of miracles. They stand in shining silence next to every dream of pain and suffering, of sin and guilt.

“They are the dream’s alternative, the choice to be the dreamer, rather than deny the active role in making up the dream.

“They are the glad effects of taking back the consequence of sickness to its cause. The body is released because the mind acknowledges ‘this is not done to me, but I am doing this.’

“Beginning here, salvation will proceed to change the course of every step in the descent to separation, until all the steps have been retraced, the ladder gone, and all the dreaming of the world undone.”


We can free up the mind together and make another choice instead. Our salvation lies in withdrawing all judgment and allowing ourselves to be undone. We can test drive this now and be the way, the truth and the life for each other πŸ™‚

BTW, if you missed last week’s class or would like to review it, here it is:

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