Author:Amy Torres

Which Version of ACIM Is Legit?

People feel strongly about the different versions* of A Course in Miracles, about what was edited or left out. What amazes me, although I guess it shouldn’t given the divisive nature of the ego, is the lack of empathy in seeing the best in their brothers.

It should be obvious that everyone involved with the original preparation and publication of A Course in Miracles was motivated by Love.  Not human love, but the inner grace that guided them and they chose to follow.  Everyone followed the best they could.  What we see in our brother is what we see in ourself.

Vision reveals everyone is Innocent.  Of what could anyone involved in delivering A Course in Miracles be guilty?  “You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting yourself and your brothers totally without judgment.” (T-3.VI.3:1)

Over the years, I’ve bought every version of the Course to see for myself if the differences are significant and concluded that any version of A Course in Miracles can heal the split mind.  How can that be?  Because I’m following the Author, not the editor.

“All fear comes ultimately, and sometimes by way of very devious routes, from the denial of Authorship.  The offense is never to God, but only to those who deny Him.  To deny His Authorship is to deny yourself the reason for your peace, so that you see yourself only in segments.  This strange perception is the authority problem.” (T-3.VI.10:4-7)

Jesus guides us all throughout the Course to ask, “What is the purpose?” of every decision.  He doesn’t leave us hanging.  Over and over, in various ways, he tells us, “The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself.”  (T-2.V.5:1)   Atonement is waking up!  Atonement is the end of ego interference and the recognition that separation never occurred.  Forgiveness, complete non-judgment, is another way of describing meaningful purpose.

Both Atonement and forgiveness release the belief in false identity — the ego — and it is recognized that we are not bodies, we are free, for we are still as God created us: Being.  Debates and arguments are for doers.  Doers are people who want to maintain identification with the ego and avoid undifferentiated Being at all costs.

There are those who state that crucial material was left out of ACIM, without explanation. But anyone who is truly interested can read Absence from Felicity by Ken Wapnick, Journey Without Distance by Rob Skutch and Understanding A Course in Miracles by D. Patrick Miller, to name a few books that give background on the subject.  Click here to read what Gary Renard has to say.  And here for Rev Tony Ponticello’s view and his response to Gary.

But don’t get caught up in a “camp” — that’s schismatic, which is exactly what the ego wants, misses the point of ACIM entirely, and is just plain silly.  Anyway, do you want to read about A Course in Miracles, or do you want to follow the guidance of A Course in Miracles?

It seems to me that Helen Schucman became a clearer transmitter for the Voice from God as she became more comfortable with the scribing process. Personally, I have no problem with early distortions of Jesus’ Message and personal material meant for her and Bill Thetford being kept private.  We still have over 1200 pages of wisdom repeating the same idea simply because we are too deaf, dumb and blind to get it the first time!

Read the Introduction to the Text:  “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”  Read (even better, practice) Lesson 189:  I feel the Love of God within me now.   It says, “Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God.”

Isn’t it obvious that wasting time on which version is “right” is an ego ploy? What an ironic distraction! Any Course student worth his or her salt would recognize that in a heartbeat. A Course in Miracles isn’t important! The versions aren’t important!  Read any version you prefer.  They are all part of the illusion.

The worthy thing about the Course is its Message of Generalization — we are all the Same One – and ACIM offers us the method of forgiveness for finding that out. If you have any questions, and you are a true Course student, how about bringing them to the Holy Spirit and getting the Answer you need Directly?

And remember, the Holy Spirit’s Answer is a silent Love, a still Peace, a unified Oneness. There is no specific information. Specifics and information are not of the Abstract Mind of God.

I write this to get it off my chest. I would hope we can have a respectful conversation about this subject — and about any and every subject, for that matter. Anyone who attacks, points a finger or assigns blame is totally missing the point of A Course in Miracles.   Okay, I’ve said it.  Now let’s all choose again and go Home together. Namaste.

*Different versions of ACIM include the originally published books from the Foundation for Inner Peace, the publishing arm founded by Judith Skutch; editing done by Helen Schucman and Ken Wapnick (at first there were three separate books: the Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers; eventually they were bound under one cover), the Urtext, the original version, the sparkly edition, and now, A New Edition, compiled by Robert Perry and published by his organization, the Circle of Atonement, among others.

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Do you do your lesson in bed? Part 2: Evenings

A few weeks ago, you may have read my blogpost about doing your Course in Miracles workbook lesson in bed first thing in the morning.  If you missed it, click here.

I promised I would follow up with the evening method for practicing your lesson.  Here it is, simple and sweet:

If you’re beat at the end of the day, laying down in bed to do your lesson is not advised.  You know the minute your head hits the pillow, you’ll be out like a light.

Practice the lesson sitting in a chair, or cross-legged on your yoga mat — whatever position suits you best.  Then slip immediately into bed and drift into sleep with the lesson permeating your mind.

For those of you who feel anxious or fidgety when you get into bed, and have trouble falling asleep, your ACIM lesson can soothe you.  Keep your book on your nightstand for convenience.

I prefer holding the actual book my hands, rather than reading from my tablet or phone. A Course in Miracles is a weighty book, literally!  Holding it in your hands is grounding (which relieves anxiety and agitation) and comforting (stills obsessive thinking).

Plus, studies have shown that the light shining from an electronic device sends a signal to your brain that it’s daytime, which interferes with your “time to get sleepy” hormones.

Read the lesson, practice the exercise, allow a sense of well being to spread through you, and call it a day.  If you’d like some icing on top, read the blessing distilled from the lesson in Sweet Dreams of Awakening.  It’s like having the blankets tucked under your chin, and then being kissed on the forehead by God.

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Happy Now Here!

“Happy Now Here!” I got that from Mooji.  Since time is an ego construct (A Course in Miracles is one of many mystical teachings that agree on that), Timelessness is our true nature.

A Course in Miracles teaches us to practice the holy instant until we string together enough miracles (which collapse time) that we reach the Atonement (complete undoing of the belief in separation).

As Course students, how do we do that?  All together now:  “By practicing forgiveness!”  Give every moment of your life to the Holy Spirit and receive the Timeless Truth about what you really are and what you truly have every single everlastin’ eternal moment!

In Chapter 15 of ACIM, The Holy Instant, Jesus tells us to “make this year different by making it all the same.”  The same Love is always available to all of us. We are that Love. What are you waiting for? The time to love, be loved and know yourself as Love is now.  here and now yin yang

Happy Now Here!

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Ask Amy: Forgiveness – Am I Doing It Right?

Guy QuestionQ:  Ever since I began studying the Course, I have been questioning my forgiveness practice. Am I doing it right? It’s hard to tell. Your technique of slowing down, breathing, feeling what I feel, placing my hand on the “troubled area” and giving it to the Holy Spirit has helped me. After the first time I tried this, I felt like a major chunk of guilt was released. But how do I know?

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAA:  How do you know if you’re doing the forgiveness practice right? Well, Jesus says you will feel lifted up and carried ahead. He says you will smile on everyone you see and walk with lightened footsteps; your mind will be lit with happiness and love. He says that forgiveness sparkles on your eyes as you awake and soothes your forehead while you sleep.

Notice that all these descriptions reference the body. Even though Jesus is very clear in the Course that the only illness is mental illness, that does not preclude the necessity to work on the level of the body. When you give your body to the Holy Spirit, He uses the body to undo the body. For instance, Lesson 353 instructs:

“My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today
Have but one purpose; to be given Christ
To use to bless the world with miracles.”

Remember, you, the person, cannot assess whether you’re doing it right. In fact, the clue that this is an ego question is the word “doing.” The ego is the do-er. Your true nature is Being. Trust the clicks of recognition that move through you as you practice forgiveness – those clicks are deeper than the individual self and can be relied on.

Those clicks are holy instants, when Grace frees you from grievances and you see everyone as “not guilty,” including yourself. Guilt is the glue that keeps us stuck to the ego thought system. People often tell me, “I feel guilty,” not “I think I’m guilty.” Guilt is felt in the body, and exercises that bring our attention to the body dissolve sticky ego illusions.

Jesus assures us that if you are sincerely practicing the Course, you cannot fail. The ego does its best to have us doubt and deny genuine spiritual experiences. Don’t fall for it. Trust that the major chunk of guilt that you felt was released, actually was.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my body-oriented approach to the forgiveness practice,
you can watch my video, “The Purpose of the Body” on YouTube and read articles from my blog series, “How to Use the Body While You Think It’s You.”

This Q&A appears in the Ask Amy column from the Nov-Dec 2016 issue of Miracles magazine. Miracles is a well-loved staple in the ACIM community. For a subscription, email [email protected] or call 845-496-9089.  Click here to purchase digital copies.  To ask Amy a question, email miracles (at) amytorresacim (dot) com

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I was hungry! Aren’t you?

When I did the A Course in Miracles Workbook practice in 1998, I did it with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. No study groups. No ACIM teachers. Just willingness born of desperation because my personal life was so painful at that time.

I was HUNGRY and I placed my life, one day at a time, in the Hands of God. As I read the lessons, they felt right to me. I did not fight them. One year later, my life was transformed forever. Ever since, I have had an ongoing sense of well-being, also known as Peace of Mind.

What I’ve learned since then is that many of you fight against the Course, even though you wish you wouldn’t. Resistance prevents you from sticking with all 365 workbook lessons. Worse still, for many, you move through the lessons, but don’t have an experience that obviously removes “you” and reveals True You.

If you relate, my e-course, Workin’ the Workbook, is for you. It supports your ACIM Workbook practice in a unique way. There is no other program out there like this — one which promotes your experience so that you don’t avoid or resist and miss out on the very reason you are practicing the Workbook.

There’s a December holiday discount which ends at 12 midnight Pacific time, tomorrow. Are you hungry? Workin’ the Workbook lays a feast before you.

See glowing testimonials here.  Click here for more details and to subscribe.

Begin Jan 1st with Lesson 1 and start 2017 in the Right Hands. Nourish yourself in the only way that is truly satisfying — spiritually!


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Do you do your lesson in bed? Part 1: Mornings

If not, you should.  Keep A Course in Miracles on your nightstand.

First thing in the morning, before you brush your teeth, as you emerge from sleep, even with your eyes still closed, feel around for the book.

Make sure to bookmark your lesson the day before, so you can go straight to it.

Flip open to the page, and while you’re still groggy, read and effortlessly absorb the mystical wisdom that Jesus is offering you.  Your mental defenses are low while you’re groggy, easily allowing Grace to flow through while you’re still in your pjs 🙂

Because you’re sleepy-relaxed, it’s much easier for you to be a Truth-sponge without ego-interference. This is the proper use of your body — to be a well-attuned communication device. Then you are a clear channel for the Holy Spirit to transmit Love, Peace and Joy through.

Now you’ve started your day out right!

Jesus tells us, “Morning and evening we will practice thus.” (W-92)  He says, “For morning and evening review.” (W-111-120)  He promises, “Morning and evening do we gladly give a quarter of an hour to the search in which the end of hell is guaranteed.” (W-122)

Next time, we can talk about doing your lesson in bed just before you fall asleep … the risk being that you might fall asleep before you complete the lesson 🙂

If you could use a helping hand with sustaining your ACIM Workbook practice, please check out my e-course, Workin’ the Workbook.

For two more weeks, you get one month free.  Sign up now to make sure you get the discount, and begin 2017 with Lesson 1.

Let Workin’ the Workbook help you stick with all 365 lessons — which will be the best New Year’s Resolution you ever make.  Usually, the program costs $37 a month on an ongoing basis, and you can take it for as long as you like.  That’s just about a dollar a day.  Some people have taken three years to move through the lessons at their own pace.  Others do a lesson a day for 365 days.  Most people fall somewhere in between.

There is no other ACIM Workbook course out there that is a VIDEO e-course and is as comprehensive as this one — including an entire Bonus Room full of spiritual goodies.

For the holiday season — up until midnight Pacific time on Dec 31st, make the best decision of your life: receive the e-course with all its bonuses for only 11 payments, and have access to Workin’ the Workbook for as long as it takes you to complete the ACIM Workbook. And if you find it’s not for you, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

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Let me tuck you in …

“And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son. As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love.” (W-232: Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.)

Jesus pulls no punches — in ACIM he tells us to connect with God just before falling asleep and immediately on awakening as a regular practice.

When we do, sure enough, we notice that God is in our mind through the day. My book, Sweet Dreams of Awakening: 365 Good Night Blessings, is designed to support your practice by:

  • Making it easy to join with God just before falling asleep
  • Using your sleep for spiritual awakening, which increases your ability to practice each day
  • Soothing your nervous system and strengthening your spiritual antenna
  • Reinforcing your daily workbook lesson
  • Last but not least, tenderly tucking you in each night

Jon Mundy says of the blessings, “They are like tiny mystery schools, unlocking spiritual wisdom and inviting the mind to be receptive to enlightenment.”

What more precious gift could you give this holiday season?  Just click here to give this beautiful book as a gift to someone you love (including yourself).



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So easy to overlook the obvious, isn’t it?


Have you invited the Holy Spirit to join you this holiday season?
Consciously ask Him to be your Guest, and you will find, “I need do nothing, except not to interfere.” That’s a pretty famous phrase from the Course — it’s in Chapter 16, section I, which also talks about true empathy.
Doing nothing means you “let the Holy Spirit relate through you” — luminously glowing as “you” with relatives, friends, and people you are stuck with on long lines :). Even if they are griping, you can quietly shine (as long as you don’t interfere with your Inner Guide).
It’s easier not to interfere when you place your mind in the Holy Spirit’s Hands. One way is to let your eyes softly slide back towards your brain and brain-in-hs-handsmelt sideways to your ears — sigh with relief as you feel your entire frontal lobe and skull relax … and … thoughts evaporate!  Now it’s impossible to judge the usual suspects who get on your nerves 🙂
“To empathize does not mean to join in suffering, for that is what you must refuse to understand.” True empathy gives you the strength to offer sympathy, if appropriate, while refusing to tune into the ego thought system.
True empathy is a cure for codependency and narcissism. True empathy is the power of Love flowing through you … IF you invite the Holy Spirit to use your personality and body as a conduit for Love.
Science has something new to say about empathy, which could help you commit to your spiritual practice. If you’re interested, read Self-Control Is Just Empathy with Your Future Self.  And, of course, my online class, Workin’ the Workbook, is custom-tailored to help you stick with and get the most out of your ACIM Workbook practice. If you haven’t already signed up, just click here for details and to register. ONLY through Dec 2016, the price is super-discounted.
Front cover left back cover rightAnd if you need a gift idea, I’m so thankful that people say my book, Sweet Dreams ​​​​​​​of Awakening: 365 Good Night Blessings is a beautiful gift — click here to see for yourself. One lovely woman told me she reads it aloud to her granddaughter every evening before she falls asleep.
As always, feel free to email me questions, comments, miracles. My heart sings when we connect: miracles (at) amytorresacim (dot) com

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An Undivided Wholeness of Flowing Movement

My dear friend and mentor, Will Johnson, has just written this:

flowing-movementAn undivided wholeness of flowing movement. What a delicious phrase! And it neatly encapsulates much of what I teach in the long sitting retreats I lead. Most of the time we experience ourselves as irrevocably separate from everything we can perceive to exist outside of ourselves, but when we truly awaken the body and start surrendering to a breath that can indeed “breathe through the whole body,” we gain access to an alternative dimension of consciousness in which our conventional sense of separation gives way to a ground state of union and undivided wholeness. And the way to this awakening of body—and the doorway into this entrancing dimension of undivided wholeness—is through relaxing so deeply that the body stays in a condition of constant, subtle, flowing, amoeba-like movement in resilient response to the breath. When the physical body stays moving in this way, the current of the life force can be felt to flow freely through as well.

An undivided wholeness of flowing movement. I wish I had come up with that phrase myself, but it comes from a far superior source. It’s the shorthand phrase that the quantum physicist David Bohm came up with to describe how he believes the universe is constructed. Bohm was one of the most respected quantum physicists of the last century, and toward the end of his life he began to intuit that our understanding of how reality is constructed needed a rather complete overhaul. For Bohm, there are two fundamental dimensions of reality, what he called the implicate and explicate orders. The implicate order (which he felt had been completely overlooked by science) was like a unified ground state or source out of which the entire explicate order—with its gajillion of stars and universes and atoms and subatomic particles, all of them constantly moving, twinkling, and shimmering—was projected, somewhat like how a complex holographic image is projected from a single light source. For Bohm, everything is constantly moving back and forth between both these dimensions, but at such a rapid rate that the world of appearances still manages to look solid and stable.

The Heart Sutra, one of Buddhism’s most revered texts, in an almost exact reflection of Bohm’s dual vision of an explicate and implicate order, tells us that everything that exists partakes of two dimensions—one of conventional physical form, the other of a deep underlying emptiness—and for me, one of the goals of spiritual practice is to have a direct experience of the simultaneous existence of these two dimensions. The easiest way to grasp this mind boggling understanding is to remember that, even though we look at people and recognize them by their very solid looking face and body, we don’t experience ourselves as particularly solid. Rather, we feel like some kind of openness or space that somehow pervades and permeates our very solid looking head and body. And if this dual condition of an apparent solidity permeated by an underlying intangible openness is true of you and me, why shouldn’t it be true of every other physical object as well? The ground dimension of undivided wholeness is very real, but the only way we can directly access this dimension is to make sure that our entire body remains in a condition of constant, flowing motion. If we remain stiff and frozen in our bodies, this extraordinary dimension will never appear to us, and we will completely miss the joy of wakening to its presence. So . . . flow on, and remember two things: 1) that constant flowing motion is what connects you to the source of all things, and 2) combining a simultaneous awareness of both—the dimension of undivided wholeness and the condition of flowing movement—takes you directly into your natural state.

I love Will Johnson — he embodies his work, and his work helps us experience the body the way the Holy Spirit in A Course in Miracles does — just in different language. I find different points of view and the fresh use of language are potent mind-openings. Hope you feel the immediate benefits of this wisdom. For more of Will’s work, visit

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I appreciate you ?

Yes, you! You are top of my gratitude list this Thanksgiving! Thank you for being my “partner-in-spirituality” 🙂  grateful-heart

The Course says we each have a unique individual curriculum, and sharing how to use the body and emotions for the Holy Spirit’s purpose is mine. Thank you for your feedback about what works and what doesn’t, your questions, your sharing of miracles, and most of all, your love.

Like Lesson 197 says, “It can be but my gratitude I earn” — when I give you love, and you give me love, we mirror the Love we really are.

Of course, Thanksgiving is a perfect time to feel gratitude and Love, and yet … being around all those family members, or not having family, finding yourself stuck in traffic, or faced with so many tempting foods, can trigger so many less-than-Loving feelings. So …

* Dreading Thanksgiving? Click on Thanksgiving Song
* Happily anticipating Thanksgiving? Click on Thanksgiving Song

Yes, I know the offering for both dread and happy anticipation is the same … think about it 😉

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