Lesson 253 – My Self is ruler of the universe.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

What happens is what I desire … I get to choose.  I can choose Higher Power, my True Self, or ego willpower.  There’s no contest!  Ego willpower has gotten me nothing.  Connecting my will with God’s Will has been the most natural, effortless lift in the world.  I don’t have to know how to do this — I just need to be willing to be willing to connect with Will 🙂  And off I go with God’s Wind beneath my Sails. This world really is full of comic book characters — you gotta laugh!


My Self is ruler of the universe.

It is impossible that anything should come to me unbidden by myself. Even in this world, it is I who rule my destiny. What happens is what I desire. What does not occur is what I do not want to happen. This must I accept. For thus am I led past this world to my creations, children of my will, in Heaven where my holy Self abides with them and Him Who has created me.

You are the Self Whom You created Son, creating like Yourself and One with You. My Self, which rules the universe, is but Your Will in perfect union with my own, which can but offer glad assent to Yours, that it may be extended to Itself.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 

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Lesson 252 – The Son of God is my Identity.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Yesterday I was reminded that my only need I did not recognize, but now I see that I need only truth.  Today I learn the truth of my Identity: I am the Son of God.  My Self is shimmering with Perfect Purity, Brilliant Light, Limitless Love and Calm, Quiet Certainty.  Heaven is restored to me in each instant I let myself know I am that Self which God has given me and which seems so distant yet is so very near.  Boundless Love within me, without me, permeating me, emanating from me, nothing but Radiance.


The Son of God is my Identity.

My self is holy beyond all the thoughts of holiness of which I now conceive.  Its shimmering and perfect purity is far more brilliant than is any light that I have ever looked upon.  Its love is limitless, with an intensity that holds all things within it, in the calm of quiet certainty.  Its strength comes not from burning impulses which move the world, but from the boundless Love of God Himself.  How far beyond this world my Self must be, and yet how near to me and close to God!

Father, You know my true Identity.  Reveal It now to me who am Your Son, that I may waken to the truth in You, and know that Heaven is restored to me.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 251 – I am in need of nothing but the truth.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Things grow very quiet now.  I am aware my thinking is not Thought.  I am aware “i” am asleep.  I am aware I am the Beingness of God and not an “I.”  There is awareness that I am in need of nothing, absolutely nothing, but my Self, which is the Truth.  I place myself in God’s Hands and He guides me in emerging from the ego coma and awakening to the Truth That Is.


I am in need of nothing but the truth.

 I sought for many things, and found despair.  Now do I seek but one, for in that one is all I need, and only what I need.  All that I sought before I needed not, and did not even want.  My only need I did not recognize.  But now I see that I need only truth.  In that all needs are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are finally fulfilled and dreams are gone.  Now have I everything that I could need.  Now have I everything that I could want.  And now at last I find myself at peace.

And for that peace, our Father, we give thanks.  What we denied ourselves You have restored, and only that is what we really want.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 250 – Let me not see myself as limited.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

It is hard work to limit God.  To try to curb God’s flow, stanch a self-inflicted wound, build a dam around an ocean, a fence around a hurricane, all of this is impossible and needless work.  And it is just an idea, not a fact.  It is only a delusional thought, not a reality.  I am Unlimited because I am an extension of God’s Love.  We are Gentleness and Strength — the kind of Power which is Unified, Whole, All-Inclusive.  Abundance is the simple memory of what I am, which is what you are, which is All That Is. And So It Is.  Amen.


Let me not see myself as limited.

 Let me behold the Son of God today, and witness to his glory.  Let me not try to obscure the holy light in him, and see his strength diminished and reduced to frailty; nor perceive the lacks in him with which I would attack his sovereignty.

He is Your Son, my Father.  And today I would behold his gentleness instead of my illusions.  He is what I am, and as I see him so I see myself.  Today I would see truly, that this day I may at last identify with him.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 249 – Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Light to Light.  Heaven  to Heaven.  Home to Home.  Love to Love.  Eternity to Eternity.  Infinity to Infinity.   Innocence to Innocence.  Joy to Joy.  God to God’s Child.  God’s Child to God.  Giving Giving Giving.


Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss.

 Forgiveness paints a picture of a world where suffering is over, loss becomes impossible and anger makes no sense.  Attack is gone, and madness has an end.  What suffering is now conceivable?  What loss can be sustained?  The world becomes a place of joy, abundance, charity and endless giving.  It is now so like to Heaven that it quickly is transformed into the light that it reflects.  And so the journey which the Son of God began has ended in the light from which he came.

Father, we would return our minds to You.  We have betrayed them, held them in a vise of bitterness, and frightened them with thoughts of violence and death.  Now would we rest again in You, as You created us.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 248 – Whatever suffers is not part of me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I’ve heard it said that those who die on an exhale, die peacefully, because they are letting go, not grasping.  Lesson 248 is one of my favorite lessons.  It tells me that there is nothing to grasp for, nothing to suffer over, nothing I don’t already have.  I disowned the truth for the fun of it.  The idea of separating from God was laughable and now I laugh!  This very laughter lets me be faithful in disowning falsity — what is not true is false.  Nothing real can be threatened.  Nothing unreal exists.  Herein lies the peace of God.  Holy moly!  Instant gratification 🙂


Whatever suffers is not part of me.

I have disowned the truth.  Now let me be as faithful in disowning falsity.  Whatever suffers is not part of me.  What grieves is not myself.  What is in pain is but illusion in my mind.  What dies was never living in reality, and did but mock the truth about myself.  Now I disown self-concepts and deceits and lies about the holy Son of God.  Now am I ready to accept him back as God created him, and as he is.

Father, my ancient love for You returns, and lets me love Your Son again as well.  Father, I am as You created me.  Now is Your Love remembered,  and my own.  Now do I understand that they are one.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 247 – Without forgiveness I will still be blind.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Light illuminates me … my heart expands.  I used to be so painfully lonely and afraid, before I was reminded that it was I who chose to narrow my view and believe in separation from God.  What a relief to be re-Minded!  What a blessing to learn I’ve been blind.  What a joy to know the body’s eyes do not See.  I am forgiven, forgiving and free — and you with me.  Amen!

Please scroll down to hear Alisa Amor sing a beautiful rendition of Lesson 247.


Without forgiveness I will still be blind.

Sin is the symbol of attack.  Behold it anywhere, and I will suffer.  For forgiveness is the only means whereby Christ’s vision comes to me.  Let me accept what His sight shows me as the simple truth, and I am healed completely.  Brother, come and let me look on you.  Your loveliness reflects my own.  Your sinlessness is mine.  You stand forgiven, and I stand with you.

So would I look on everyone today.  My brothers are Your Sons.  Your Fatherhood created them, and gave them all to me as part of You, and my own Self as well.  Today I honor You through them, and thus I hope this day to recognize my Self.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 246 – To love my Father is to love His Son.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Love is Love.  If I love me through God’s Vision, then I love you and you and you.  All of you, because we really are all facets of the one ego thought that we could be separate and be autonomous.  But we can’t 🙂  You love me and I love you and God loves us and we love Him and we are He and He is We for there is no “us” and All is Well.


To love my Father is to love His Son.

Let me not think that I can find the way to God, if I have hatred in my heart.  Let me not try to hurt God’s Son, and think that I can know his Father or my Self.  Let me not fail to recognize myself, and still believe that my awareness can contain my Father, or my mind conceive of all the love my Father has for me, and all the love which I return to Him.

I will accept the way You choose for me to come to You, my Father.  For in that will I succeed, because it is Your Will.  And I would recognize that what You will is what I will as well, and only that.  And so I choose to love Your Son.  Amen.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 245 – Your peace is with me, Father. I am safe.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Peace.  One.  Unified.  Formless.  Innocent.  Giving.  Peace.  Creation.  Giving.  Eternal.  Infinite.  Peace.  One.  Love.  Joy.  Peace.  Harmony.  Beauty.  Peace.  Unified.  Innocent.  Perfection.  Whole.  Holy.  Peace.  One.  Giving.  Given.  Beloved. Love.


Your peace is with me, Father.  I am safe.

Your peace surrounds me, Father. Where I go, Your peace goes there with me. It sheds its light on everyone I meet. I bring it to the desolate and lonely and afraid. I give Your peace to those who suffer pain, or grieve for loss, or think they are bereft of hope and happiness. Send them to me, my Father. Let me bring Your peace with me. For I would save Your Son, as is Your Will, that I may come to recognize my Self.

And so we go in peace. To all the world we give the message that we have received. And thus we come to hear the Voice for God, Who speaks to us as we relate His Word; Whose Love we recognize because we share the Word that He has given unto us.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 244 – I am in danger nowhere in the world.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Meditating can bring on spiritual experience:  I am lying on my back but I am in the air … as high as the highest skyscrapers … I am a magic carpet sailing through time and space … there are clocks on the facades of buildings … the architecture is exquisite … the sweetness of the atmosphere so high brings tears of joy to my eyes … beauty is everywhere and in everything … danger still flirts around the edges, I close my eyes when the height is dizzying and feel God’s Comforting Embrace.  I am safe in His Arms and all I need do is but remember Him.  And know that spiritual experiences come and go, but I am in danger nowhere in the world because, ultimately, the world is a dream and Truth is Unchanging.


I am in danger nowhere in the world.

Your Son is safe wherever he may be, for You are there with him.  He need but call upon Your Name, and he will recollect his safety and Your Love, for they are one.  How can he fear or doubt or fail to know he cannot suffer, be endangered, or experience unhappiness, when he belongs to You, beloved and loving, in the safety of Your Fatherly embrace?

And there we are in truth.  No storms can come into the hallowed haven of our home.  In God we are secure.  For what can come to threaten God Himself, or make afraid what will forever be a part of Him?

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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