7. What Is the Holy Spirit?

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

In Part II of the Workbook, every 10 lessons we are given an instruction.  It comes in the form of a question.  There are 14 of these questions all together, and each one of them corresponds to a set of 10 lessons, and is to be read every day for the next 10 days along with our lesson for the day.  “What Is the Holy Spirit?” is the seventh instruction and goes with Lessons 281 – 290.

 7.  What Is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit mediates between illusions and the truth. Since He must bridge the gap between reality and dreams, perception leads to knowledge through the grace that God has given Him, to be His gift to everyone who turns to Him for truth. Across the bridge that He provides are dreams all carried to the truth, to be dispelled before the light of knowledge. There are sights and sounds forever laid aside. And where they were perceived before, forgiveness has made possible perception’s tranquil end.

The goal the Holy Spirit’s teaching sets is just this end of dreams. For sights and sounds must be translated from the witnesses of fear to those of love. And when this is entirely accomplished, learning has achieved the only goal it has in truth. For learning, as the Holy Spirit guides it to the outcome He perceives for it, becomes the means to go beyond itself, to be replaced by the eternal truth.

If you but knew how much your Father yearns to have you recognize your sinlessness, you would not let His Voice appeal in vain, nor turn away from His replacement for the fearful images and dreams you made. The Holy Spirit understands the means you made, by which you would attain what is forever unattainable. And if you offer them to Him, He will employ the means you made for exile to restore your mind to where it truly is at home.

From knowledge, where He has been placed by God, the Holy Spirit calls to you, to let forgiveness rest upon your dreams, and be restored to sanity and peace of mind. Without forgiveness will your dreams remain to terrify you. And the memory of all your Father’s Love will not return to signify the end of dreams has come.

Accept your Father’s gift. It is a Call from Love to Love, that It be but Itself. The Holy Spirit is His gift, by which the quietness of Heaven is restored to God’s beloved Son. Would you refuse to take the function of completing God, when all He wills is that you be complete?

Remember, in Part II of the Workbook, every 10 lessons we are given an instruction.  It comes in the form of a question.  There are 14 of these questions all together, and each one of them corresponds to a set of 10 lessons, and is to be read every day for the next 10 days along with our lesson for the day.  “What Is the Holy Spirit?” is the seventh instruction and goes with Lessons 281 – 290.

To see the entire Workbook for Students, get a copy of the book, A Course in Miracles, or visit the original publisher, Foundation for Inner Peace, online at http://acim.org/Lessons/index.html. To have the lesson delivered daily to your email box for free, sign up with http://www.acimdailylesson.com/category/daily-lessons-from-a-course-in-miracles. An excellent line-by-line analysis called Journey Through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles is offered by Kenneth Wapnick through the bookstore at http://www.facim.org.

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Lesson 280 – What limits can I lay upon God’s Son?

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

It is a harmless exercise to box in God’s creation by boxing God out.  Building walls, avoiding Reality, making up riddles about who we are … all of this is nothing but an idle thought until we take it seriously.  Nothing can destroy God’s limitless nature and all we have to do is change our mind about who we think we are to realize that.  Occupy your mind with the question, “What limits can I lay upon God’s Son?” and feel the walls fly away into the nothingness from which they came.


What limits can I lay upon God’s Son?

Whom God created limitless is free.  I can invent imprisonment for him, but only in illusions, not in truth.  No Thought of God has left its Father’s Mind.  No Thought of God is limited at all.  No Thought of God but is forever pure.  Can I lay limits on the Son of God, whose Father willed that he be limitless, and like Himself in freedom and in love?

Today let me give honor to Your Son, for thus alone I find the way to You.  Father, I lay no limits on the Son You love and You created limitless.  The honor that I give to him is Yours, and what is Yours belongs to me as well.


Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 279 – Creation’s freedom promises my own.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I am ruminating over a dream I never had which happened long ago.  I am fixated on this unreal dream which is over and never was.  Yet if I accept God’s Love, His freedom promises my own, your own, our own, since We are the Same One.  I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me, you, Us.  Open the mind and accept what Is.


Creation’s freedom promises my own.

The end of dreams is promised me, because God’s Son is not abandoned by His Love. Only in dreams is there a time when he appears to be in prison, and awaits a future freedom, if it be at all. Yet in reality his dreams are gone, with truth established in their place. And now is freedom his already. Should I wait in chains which have been severed for release, when God is offering me freedom now?

I will accept Your promises today, and give my faith to them. My Father loves the Son Whom He created as His Own. Would You withhold the gifts You gave to me?

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 278 – If I am bound, my Father is not free.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

God behind bars.  In prison stripes.  Peering out at the world helpless and bound.  Humans like to twist the story in this way and pretend it’s not their story, it’s the way things are.  God is not behind bars.  We are.  God is not sliced and diced into time and space (prison stripes).  We are.  ” … a world in which all things that seem to live appear to die” … seeming appearances are not the Truth.  The Truth is we are formless, boundless Love just like our Father–let’s stop pretending we’re orphans and rub the sleep out of our eyes: Our Father is Free and We are like Our Father.


If I am bound, my Father is not free.

If I accept that I am prisoner within a body, in a world in which all things that seem to live appear to die, then is my Father prisoner with me.  And this do I believe, when I maintain the laws the world obeys must I obey; the frailties and the sins which I perceive are real, and cannot be escaped.  If I am bound in any way, I do not know my Father nor my Self.  And I am lost to all reality.  For truth is free, and what is bound is not a part of truth.

Father, I ask for nothing but the truth.  I have had many foolish thoughts about myself and my creation, and have brought a dream of fear into my mind.  Today, I would not dream.  I choose the way to You instead of madness and instead of fear.  For truth is safe, and only love is sure.


Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 277 – Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

God is our Source and His law is Love.  He is the Starting Point and we are His Continuation.  He Begins and we Neverend.  He Creates and we Collaborate.  Little laws made by dreaming men change nothing.  We are not human doings, we are spiritual beings and the sooner we undo/unbind, the sooner Beingness becomes obvious.


Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made.

Your Son is free, my Father. Let me not imagine I have bound him with the laws I made to rule the body. He is not subject to any laws I made by which I try to make the body more secure. He is not changed by what is changeable. He is not slave to any laws of time. He is as You created him, because he knows no law except the law of love.

Let us not worship idols, nor believe in any law idolatry would make to hide the freedom of the Son of God. He is not bound except by his beliefs. Yet what he is, is far beyond his faith in slavery or freedom. He is free because he is his Father’s Son. And he cannot be bound unless God’s truth can lie, and God can will that He deceive Himself.


Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 

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Lesson 276 – The Word of God is given me to speak.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

And so it is.  I lean back into my meditation and am willing to know myself as God’s Word, God’s Light.  For a little while, seemingly nothing.  Then … a rhythmic expanding of “me” … like a sunburst widening and unwidening, expand, slightly contract, expand more, slightly contract … very pleasant, effortless.  And next … speed, a sense of speed, speed with pleasure–no fear.  “I” am still in shadow–none of this is happening in Light … yet.  And then I “hear”:  You are as pure and holy as Your Father.  You are the Word of God.  The “hearing” comes in the form of feeling–it is a felt-sense of knowing the meaning of these words.  And there is nothing more to say.


The Word of God is given me to speak.

What is the Word of God?   “My Son is pure and holy as Myself.”  And thus did God become the Father of the Son He loves, for thus was he created.  This the Word His Son did not create with Him, because in this His Son was born.  Let us accept His Fatherhood, and all is given us.  Deny we were created in His Love and we deny our Self, to be unsure of Who we are, of Who our Father is, and for what purpose we have come.  And yet, we need but to acknowledge Him Who gave His Word to us in our creation, to remember Him and so recall our Self.

Father, Your Word is mine.  And it is this that I would speak to all my brothers, who are given me to cherish as my own, as I am loved and blessed and saved by You.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 275 – God’s healing Voice protects all things today.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

I am you and you are me.  The ego perceives this as impossible and unbearable–the ego wants to experience itself as separate.  The problem with the ego is that it takes out unpleasant feelings on the “other guy”: it shames and blames another to avoid facing itself.  If the ego faced itself, it would find it is a figment of its own imagination–a picture of separation, but not a fact.  God’s Unified Love is the One Fact that is true.  And in that Fact is perfect safety, for not even protection is necessary as we realize we are All the Same One.


God’s healing Voice protects all things today.

Let us today attend the Voice for God, which speaks an ancient lesson, no more true today than any other day.  Yet has this day been chosen as the time when we will seek and hear and learn and understand.  Join me in hearing.  For the Voice for God tells us of things we cannot understand alone, nor learn apart.  It is in this that all things are protected.  And in this the healing of the Voice for God is found.

Your healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You.  I need be anxious over nothing.  For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; to whom to speak and what to say to him, what thoughts to think, what words to give the world.  The safety that I bring is given me.  Father, Your Voice protects all things through me.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 274 – Today belongs to love. Let me not fear.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Stop interpreting and start accepting God’s Way.  Honor my innocence and I honor your innocence.  Honor Innocence and  accept the love of God’s Holy Spirit, our Friend.  We are the same as our Friend and this is our redemption.  Illusions are shined away, fear is undone, special blessings illuminate the truth: that All Is as It always Is.  Amen.


Today belongs to love.  Let me not fear.

Father, today I would let all things be as You created them, and give Your Son the honor due his sinlessness; the love of brother to his brother and his Friend.  Through this I am redeemed.  Through this as well the truth will enter where illusions were, light will replace all darkness, and Your Son will know he is as You created him.

A special blessing comes to us today, from Him Who is our Father.  Give this day to Him, and there will be no fear today, because the day is given unto love.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 273 – The stillness of the peace of God is mine.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

The instructions are crystal clear.  All that is needed is the willingness.  It is helpful to realize that we don’t have to try, just allow.  And we don’t have to be motivated, just willing.  We don’t even have to be sincere, though sincerity will greatly accelerate our “progress” — progress back to where we’ve always been 🙂

Therefore, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine” is mine to return to all day today and every day.  The stillness of the peace of God is mine — even at this stage of the Workbook, three-quarters through, this can move from imploring to outrage to a quiet statement of fact.  That’s okay.  It doesn’t change the Truth: The stillness of the peace of God is mine; this peace is our inheritance, our legacy, our nature, our Source. Case closed 🙂


The stillness of the peace of God is mine.

Perhaps we are now ready for a day of undisturbed tranquility.  If this is not yet feasible, we are content and even more than satisfied to learn how such a day can be achieved.  If we give way to a disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace.  We need but tell our minds, with certainty, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine,” and nothing can intrude upon the peace that God Himself has given to His Son.

Father, Your peace is mine.  What need have I to fear that anything can rob me of what You would have me keep?  I cannot lose Your gifts to me.  And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still, in quietness and in my own eternal love for You.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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Lesson 272 – How can illusions satisfy God’s Son?

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Tears, used well, wash away illusions.  Tears wash away dark layers, cataract-like coverings dissolve, and Vision is revealed.  Tears are purifying baptisms. Today we pass illusions by, and tears become juicy with joy.  The truth belongs to us.  We are surrounded by God’s Love, forever still, forever gentle and forever safe.  We are as God created us … every only One of us.


How can illusions satisfy God’s Son?

Father, the truth belongs to me.  My home is set in Heaven by Your Will and mine.  Can dreams content me?  Can illusions bring me happiness?  What but Your memory can satisfy Your Son?  I will accept no less than You have given me.  I am surrounded by Your Love, forever still, forever gentle and forever safe.  God’s Son must be as You created him. 

Today we pass illusions by.  And if we hear temptation call to us to stay and linger in a dream, we turn aside and ask ourselves if we, the Sons of God, could be content with dreams, when Heaven can be chosen just as easily as hell, and love will happily replace all fear.

Let’s practice together!  Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube.  Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice. 


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