Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
While I abide where I am not at home, my purpose is the peace of God. How comforting to have a clear purpose and live in service of God’s Will. How relaxing to have only one choice: to choose the peace of God in every situation, with every person. My function and my life is to embrace the Christ … Christ meaning communion with my brothers … which surely leads to Union with God. Freedom is creating as God intended. Christ is the co-creation we are and which we continue extending, joyfully, effortlessly, inevitably.
Dare I feel this inexplicably, predictably happy and expansive when the world is suffering? Yes! It is the only way to feel in order to lead by example! All Is Well. Dreams are not Reality. We are not suffering bodies. We are not suffering minds. We are Free and Whole and Complete, Together as One. Not-enslaved, not-partial, not-incomplete. Not lonely, not afraid, not asleep. We are Awake in the Stillness of Eternal Being. That is the Truth.
Does this mean that my heart never aches? The human heart will ache from time to time, inevitably. But this is not a problem. The heart can ache or the heart and sing and neither changes the Truth. I allow that sadness to move through me and be released. I send each and every one of my brothers the Peace of God and feel emotional weather move through me as the conviction of my spiritual life reinforces that removing blocks to the awareness of Love’s Presence inevitably reveals Love.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(185) I want the peace of God.
The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal, the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at home.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
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