Why Attend “A Present Love”?

Why Attend “A Present Love”?

When I accepted the CMC’s invitation to be a presenter at A Present Love, the ACIM conference being held in New Yorkby pygmy palm5 City in April 2015, I also  agreed to promote the event.  But I really don’t enjoy promoting, so instead I’ll share with you what has motivated me over the years to attend events like this, and what I got out of them.  Just like me, you can:

oval blue dove*  Experience spontaneous miracles*
*  Clarify your understanding of ACIM concepts
*  Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of Truth
*  Find teachers who truly inspire you
*  Just be … just show up and allow Spirit to guide you all weekend
*  Use the event as a catalyst to heal your mind
*  Let A Present Love be a constant reminder to practice forgiveness each day
*  Meet like-minded people who are supportive of  your spiritual life
*  Allow the Holy Spirit to provide, even when money seems scarce

As soon as you sign up, you have begun to reap the benefits of the conference!  This is because you have put your willingness into action.  You have planted the seed of awakening.  Your miracles begin here and multiply endlessly through you (even if it seemsRevised Final for CMC as though nothing is happening).

In my experience, signing up for conferences, workshops, retreats, intensives and other spiritual events has been a big opening for my healing and unlearning.  There is every reason for A Present Love to be that opportunity for you.

Here’s more info about the event: https://amytorresacim.com/wordpress/a-present-love-acim-conference-nyc-2015/ and http://www.miracles-course.org/2015_conference.html.  Also, feel free to email me questions at miracles@amytorresacim.com

HotelPennI look forward to seeing you there!  Please introduce yourself to me and let’s have a hug!  And much appreciated if you check the “Amy Torres” box on the registration form:  https://www.miracles-course.org/2015_register.html

*If you need a free place to stay while in NYC, contact me at miracles@amytorresacim.com … this may be your first miracle 🙂