Spiritual bypass, the spiritualized ego, level confusion, and the split mind

Spiritual bypass, the spiritualized ego, level confusion, and the split mind

Questions have been coming in about spiritual bypass, the spiritualized ego, level confusion, and the split mind.

Spiritual bypass is pretending we are peaceful when we are not, and you can catch yourself red-handed when you think you are justified in any negative feeling, and/or when you judge someone else.

The spiritualized ego is the person thinking they are spiritually elevated, when elevation belongs only to Spirit. All egos contain the same ingredients even if some act out more than others.

Level confusion is trying to apply God Perfection to human imperfection. They just don’t work together. But as humans we try, nevertheless, to improve the story of our life by praying for the outcomes we want rather than surrendering to God’s Plan for Salvation.

And the split mind is a cracked mirror twisting and distorting reality until we feel lost in a maze from which we will never find our way out. The first split is from Oneness to consciousness (awareness of). Simultaneously, ego mind as a separate thought system seemingly emerges and, along with it, the Holy Spirit (the memory of God within us). The next split is into an imagined physical world (which is totally convincing to us). And the splitting continues into countless shapes and forms and creatures.

Where does that leave us? Joining in class tomorrow to connect with the Knowing within and observe that which blocks the awareness of Love’s Presence because when we seek and find all of the barriers within ourselves that we have built against Love, we recognize what we already are 🙂

“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find
all of the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.”