Sickness is a defense against the truth

Sickness is a defense against the truth

At the end of last class, a question came up, “What does ‘sickness is a defense against the truth’ mean?” This is a topic even seasoned students of A Course in Miracles can face over and over again, as we encounter physical illness, injuries and aging, which can be very distracting and consuming on the body level.

I like how Ken Wapnick has explained that, in A Course in Miracles, the ego mind’s decision to be guilty of separating from God is the cause of all sickness.

Ken says the purpose sickness serves in the ego thought system is as a defense against God’s Love. Therefore, true healing takes place in the mind rather than the body, and undoes our belief in the reality of guilt.

We heal by turning to the Holy Spirit, correcting our original mistake of having turned to the ego, and joining the Holy Spirit’s healing thoughts of forgiveness.*

Of course you don’t have to take Ken’s word for it — just read the Course and get it straight from Jesus :).

*You can purchase Ken’s workshop Sickness and Healing for his 11-hour explanation ;-).