Lesson 88 – Review of Lessons 75 & 76
Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
I am under no laws but God’s … the Light has come … the Light is Law … in the Spirit, not the letter. God’s law is a mighty expansion beyond anything the little ego-body can contain. Once we are aware of this, God is easily felt loosening the flimsy fence we supposedly built around a tiny piece of the grandeur of the Self.
How is it we are still deluded, when we Know better? Only the desire to play a game of make-believe can temporarily obscure True Identity. It is revealed, little by little, to the extent to which we choose and can tolerate the Truth.
Today we will review these ideas:
(75) The light has come.
In choosing salvation rather than attack, I merely choose to recognize what is already there. Salvation is a decision made already. Attack and grievances are not there to choose. That is why I always choose between truth and illusion; between what is there and what is not. The light has come. I can but choose the light, for it has no alternative. It has replaced the darkness, and the darkness has gone.
These would prove useful forms for specific applications of this idea:
This cannot show me darkness, for the light has come.
The light in you is all that I would see [name].
I would see in this only what is there.
(76) I am under no laws but God’s.
Here is the perfect statement of my freedom. I am under no laws but God’s. I am constantly tempted to make up other laws and give them power over me. I suffer only because of my belief in them. They have no real effect on me at all. I am perfectly free of the effects of all laws save God’s. And His are the laws of freedom.
For specific forms in applying this idea, these would be useful:
My perception of this shows me I believe in laws that do not exist.
I see only the laws of God at work in this.
Let me allow God’s laws to work in this, and not my own.
Let’s practice together! Listen to You Are the Light of the World. Watch and hear Amy reading each ACIM Lesson on Youtube. Also, check out Workin’ the Workbook, Amy’s online class which supports the ACIM Workbook practice.
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