Lesson 86 – Review of Lessons 71 & 72

Lesson 86 – Review of Lessons 71 & 72

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

Only God’s plan for salvation will work.  Grievances are the ego’s plan for salvation and there is no use for them anymore.  As the personal “me” is seen for the dream figure it is from the view of the collective “I am” grievances are seen to be self-deluded attempts at self-protection.

Ego self-protection “protects” by attacking someone “out there.”  Self-protection is accomplished through projection.  Projection makes it seem like my brother is separate from me.  This could only be imagined if I believe myself to be separate from God.  I am not separate from God.  Which means I am One with God and my brothers which are actually One Brother, the Brotherly Extension of God’s creation.

The only way to be saved is to release the perception (block or obstacle) that little “me” is separate from my brothers and my Father.  This is done by giving grievances to the Holy Spirit, Who gladly receives them and grievances/darkness dissolves in the Light of God.  The delusional belief in the existence of grievances becomes teenier and tinier as the natural rising above the battleground occurs.

Grievances are a mask on the face of God’s Son.  Grievances are a mistaken attempt to protect a self-concept that needs no protection.  Grievances are a delusional state of mind which are no longer needed or desired when you do not buy the constricting mask that the ego proffers.  You have no face.  You have no name.  There is no “me.”   Just “Am” and “Is” and “Being” and “Truth” and “Reality.”  Thank God.


These ideas are for review today:

(71)  Only God’s plan for salvation will work.

It is senseless for me to search wildly about for salvation.  I have seen it in many people and in many things, but when I reached for it, it was not there.  I was mistaken about where it is.  I was mistaken about what it is.  I will undertake no more idle seeking.  Only God’s plan for salvation will work.  And I will rejoice because His plan can never fail.

These are some suggested forms for applying this idea specifically:

God’s plan for salvation will save me from my perception of this.
This is no exception in God’s plan for my salvation.
Let me perceive this only in the light of God’s plan for salvation.

(72)  Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.

Holding grievances is an attempt to prove that God’s plan for salvation will not work.  Yet only His plan will work.  By holding grievances, I am therefore excluding my only hope of salvation from my awareness.  I would no longer defeat my own best interests in this insane way.  I would accept God’s plan for salvation, and be happy.

Specific applications for this idea might be in these forms:

I am choosing between misperception and salvation as I look on this.
If I see grounds for grievances in this, I will not see the grounds for my salvation.
This calls for salvation, not attack.

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