Lesson 65: My only function is the one God gave me.

Lesson 65: My only function is the one God gave me.

Jesus is describing our one function is various ways that all boil down to the same thing:

Lesson 65: “My only function is the one God gave me.”  Anything else is ego temptation; ego substitute for Reality; ego imagination.

Jesus reiterates from previous lessons that the full acceptance of salvation as your only function necessarily entails two phases:

  • the recognition of salvation as our function, and
  • the relinquishment of all the other goals we have invented for ourselves

Reminder: Salvation is the promise, made by God, that we will find our way to Him.

The recognition of salvation as our function is the first step of the forgiveness practice.  The relinquishment of all the other goals we have invented for ourselves is the second step of the forgiveness practice: willingness to see another way; willingness to listen to Jesus and follow his guidance instead of the ego’s guidance.

Lesson 65 “places the key to the door of peace, which you have closed upon yourself, in your own hands.  It gives you the answer to all the searching you have done since time began.”

Count me in!

Lesson 65 has one of my favorite lines from A Course in Miracles:  “On this clean slate let my true function be written for me.”  So poetic and beautiful.  So pure and simple.  Let’s practice.