Lesson 64: Let me not forget my function.

Lesson 64: Let me not forget my function.

Jesus begins Lesson 64 by explaining “Let me not forget my function” is another way of saying, “Let me not wander into temptation.”

The ego’s purpose for the world is to condemn us to oblivion: not remembering we are an extension of God-Mind.  As long as we are in a state of forgetfulness of being God’s Creation, the ego keeps spinning its pseudo-existence.  The sense of being “me” feels very real, and all appearances attest to its reality, BUT it is not!

“To the Holy Spirit, the world is a place where you learn to forgive yourself what you think of as your sins.”  What the ego has convinced us is unforgiveable sin worthy of being permanently condemned to hell is, according to Jesus, merely a mistake.  A mistake easily corrected … IF we desire correction.

So, the world is a backdrop, a theatrical set, that blocks the Reality “behind” it.  Everything we see in the physical world is obscuring, is an obstacle, to Truth.  To impress this point upon us, Jesus reviews the last few lessons:

  • our function is to be the light of the world
  • this function is given us by God
  • only the arrogance of the ego questions the function God gives us
  • only fear of the ego induces us to feel unworthy of the task assigned to us by God Himself
  • the world’s salvation awaits our forgiveness
  • forgiveness allows the Son of God to escape all illusions and all temptation to regard  himself as “other”
  • “The Son of God is you” !!!

There is no other way to be happy than to fulfill the function God gives us: to be the Light of the world.

“Complexity of form does not imply complexity of content.”  The ego tries to keep us engaged with complex issues, problems, wonders of the world.  But the ego’s forms always out-picture a mental state of fear.  God-Mind is a simple, absolute state of Love. The choice is ours: default to the ego as our fearful guide and teacher … OR choose the Holy Spirit, God’s Messenger, as our beloved guide and teacher.