Lesson 56: covers Lessons 26 – 30

Lesson 56: covers Lessons 26 – 30

The consolidation of five lessons per day feels intense. An energetic squeeze. In a good way. Here we go:

Lesson 26: My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.  “Perfect security and complete fulfillment are my inheritance.”  But I have been seeing myself under constant threat. Thankfully, “God has kept my inheritance safe for me. My own real thoughts will teach me what it is.”

Lesson 27: Above all else I want to see.  Vision is my greatest need. Then I will see the world and myself with charity and love.

Lesson 28: Above all else I want to see differently.  “I would let the door behind this world be opened for me, that I may look past it to the world that reflects the Love of God.”  This is my jackpot lesson for today!

Lesson 29: God is in everything I see.  We are all part of God’s jigsaw puzzle. Every piece equally necessary and worthy regardless of shape, color, functionality or size.  “We who are part of Him will yet look past all appearances, and recognize the truth beyond them all.”

Lesson 30: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.  And, more importantly, I am in the Mind of God.