Lesson 50: I am sustained by the Love of God.
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February 20, 2025
Lesson 50 concludes the first section of Part 1 of the Course in Miracles Workbook for Students.
This lesson is straightforward and deserves an unhurried initial reading, followed by open-hearted re-reading. One cannot read Lesson 50 too many times.
But more importantly than reading Lesson 50 is practicing Lesson 50. It is not a demanding, nor complicated, practice. It is, however, so simple and powerful that the ego will try to distract you with every means possible. So be vigilant and recognize ego interference for what it is — a distraction from the Truth that you long to embrace (or you would not be here).
I am sustained by the Love of God. You are sustained by the Love of God. We are sustained by the Love of God.