Lesson 37: My holiness blesses the world.

Lesson 37: My holiness blesses the world.

How extraordinary! To experience the first glimmerings (I love that word) of our true function in the world; why we are here, truly, based on the Holy Spirit’s point of view.

Jesus explains, “Your purpose is to see the world through your own holiness.”

My purpose, your purpose, our purpose … is to see the world through our own holiness.

This means we must get in touch with our holiness. The ego certainly  has not been describing us to ourselves as holy. At best, the ego is “holier than thou,” which is a state of superiority. At worst, the ego is relentlessly critical, hating, resentful and attacking. As well as panicking, fearful, abandoned and desolate. Anything to divide and conquer. The opposite of Wholeness/Holiness.

“Your holiness is the salvation of the world. It lets you teach the world that it is one with you, not by preaching to it, not by telling it anything, but merely by your quiet recognition that in your holiness are all things blessed along with you,” says Jesus. “Those who see themselves as whole make no demands.”

Making no demands, because as explained elsewhere in the Course, as God’s Creations we have no needs, “offers everyone his full due.”  And, “No one loses; nothing is taken away from anyone; everyone gains through your holy vision. It signifies the end of sacrifice because it offers everyone his full due.”

The word “bless,” in the Oxford Language Dictionary, means “to make holy”. “My holiness blesses the world” could read, “My holiness makes holy the world” by healing the split ego mind and restoring our awareness of What We Are as Spirit-Mind, not human mind.

Before we step onto a spiritual path, meaning and purpose are limited to human definitions of “success”. Once on a spiritual path, in this case, A Course in Miracles, meaning and purpose are redefined. And what a relief that is! My holiness blesses the world. My holiness blesses you, dear reader. Your holiness blesses me. For we are One.