Lesson 341 – I can attack but my own sinlessness, And it is only that which keeps me safe.
Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
I can only attack my own Innocence. And it is only my Innocence which keeps me safe because Innocence is Unification and as One we cannot attack Our Self. Nor would we have any desire to attack when we are in harmony with our One Self. There is no desire to cut off our nose to spite our face. Truly, it is our Nature to Extend. And all we are extending is Love or Light — call it what you will, It is Good, Beautiful and Holy. We are Good, Beautiful and Holy.
I can attack but my own sinlessness,
And it is only that which keeps me safe.
Father, Your Son is holy. I am he on whom You smile in love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe and still the universe smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness. How pure, how safe, how holy, then, are we, abiding in Your Smile, with all Your Love bestowed upon us, living one with You, in brotherhood and Fatherhood complete; in sinlessness so perfect that the Lord of Sinlessness conceives us as His Son, a universe of Thought completing Him.
Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us. And in its kind reflection we are saved.
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