Lesson 32: I have invented the world I see.

Lesson 32: I have invented the world I see.

I love this lesson. It is so liberating and empowering. We are not victims of the world we see because we have invented the world we see. We can “give it up as easily as you made it up”. The forgiveness practice of A Course in Miracles is all about giving up. Giving all our little thoughts, opinions, interpretations, assumptions and judgments up to the Holy Spirit.

Lesson 32 introduces the idea that the world we see outside, and the thoughts in our heads, are both in our imaginations.

We are told to look around our outer world and then close our eyes and look around our inner world, trying to realize they are the same. Again, we are unhurried, as we “watch the images your imagination presents to your awareness”.

For me, this practice is relieving and refreshing; it makes sense to the Inner Knowing that brought me to the Course in the first place.