Lesson 311 – I judge all things as I would have them be.
Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
When I give my lack of understanding to the Holy Spirit as a gift, He relieves me of the agony of self-judgment which is always critical and punishing (whether I use it against me or you) and gives me peace of mind in return.
I have always loved an open mind, a non-arguing mind, an exploring, curious, non-judgmental mind. For many years I judged myself as weird, too accepting, and even perverse, simply because I found it difficult to judge others.
Eventually this led to people confiding in me, and I earned my living as a listener. A true listener is non-judgmental; a true listener is a receiver, an accepter, an acknowledger, and, ultimately, a reflector of Love and Light, a representative of Him Who sent me and I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal. And I will discover there is no me, only One We.
I judge all things as I would have them be.
Judgment was made to be a weapon used against the truth. It separates what it is being used against, and sets it off as if it were a thing apart. And then it makes of it what you would have it be. It judges what it cannot understand, because it cannot see totality and therefore judges falsely. Let us not use it today, but make a gift of it to Him Who has a different use for it. He will relieve us of the agony of all the judgments we have made against ourselves, and re-establish peace of mind by giving us God’s Judgment of His Son.
Father, we wait with open mind today, to hear Your Judgment of the Son You love. We do not know him, and we cannot judge. And so we let Your Love decide what he whom You created as Your Son must be.
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