Lesson 282 – I will not be afraid of love today.

Lesson 282 – I will not be afraid of love today.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

The movie screen on which I am projecting my thoughts of this world is thinning … like a threadbare sock, I am seeing through the fabric of earthly life and what I see is Love.  Love shines a kind Light through us All.  We are the Sun of God and His Rays are our Source.  When we shift our gaze from material illusions to the formless Truth all is seen as Unified Love.  The ego likes to switch labels to confuse us.  It calls what we value–special relationships and individual identities–love … and ego tells us to fear God’s Oneness in order to distract us from our true Identity.  Love is equal, all-inclusive and fearless.  I will not be afraid of love today, for Love is what I am.


I will not be afraid of love today.

If I could realize but this today, salvation would be reached for all the world.  This the decision not to be insane, and to accept myself as God Himself, my Father and my Source, created me.  This the determination not to be asleep in dreams of death, while truth remains forever living in the joy of love.  And this the choice to recognize the Self Whom God created as the Son He loves, and Who remains my one Identity.

Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine.  Such is the truth.  And can the truth be changed by merely giving it another name?  The name of fear is simply a mistake.  Let me not be afraid of truth today.

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