Lesson 26: My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.
I fear attack because I believe I have attacked God. I state this calmly, but realizing this feels like it comes with a thousand exclamation points.
If this goes for me, it also goes for you. WE fear attack because we believe we have attacked God.
God’s Law: “…what would have effects through you must also have effects on you.”
What does that mean?
“…if you fear attack, you must believe that you are not invulnerable.”
That makes sense.
“Attack thoughts therefore make you vulnerable in your own mind, which is where the attack thoughts are.“*
Jesus logically extends his logic: attack thoughts and invulnerability contradict each other. They must! Because invulnerability fears nothing. So invulnerability attacks nothing. Today’s idea “introduces the thought that you always attack yourself first”.
We ALWAYS attack ourselves first.
The purpose of attack thoughts is to weaken the way we know ourselves. The ego is a divisive thought. The ego’s tiny, mad idea that we could separate from God’s Wholeness seeks to maintain its existence by introducing “I” thoughts and image-making into the Seamless Mind of God. Perception, first as mind interpretation, next as bodily sensory organs, seduces us into believing ourselves to have attacked God, and horrors!, to now be on the receiving end of God’s wrath.
“A false image of yourself has come to take the place of what you are.”
Despair not, salvation awaits:
“Nothing except your thoughts can attack you. Nothing except your thoughts can make you think you are vulnerable. And nothing except your thoughts can prove to you this is not so.”
Jesus tells us at the beginning of Lesson 26 that the law that “what would have effects through you must also have effects on you” will ultimately save us, “but you are misusing it now”. As we reverse our thinking, through the mind training of A Course in Miracles, and especially its workbook lessons, the effects of God’s Love are recognized, accepted, and embraced.
*Bold mine. Images courtesy of Freepik.