Lesson 228 – God has condemned me not. No more do I.

Lesson 228 – God has condemned me not. No more do I.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

My mistakes about myself are dreams.  Bad dreams can have happy endings.  Mistakes can be successfully corrected.  Light am I, I am Light.  Ever-expanding, timeless, formless.  Wordless, Spaceless.  Breathing through myself I become more and more permeable until what is permeated is no more … how peaceful.  “By focusing on the good in him [your brother or yourself], the body grows decreasingly persistent in your sight, and will at length be seen as little more than just a shadow circling round the good.” (T-31.VII.3:3)


God has condemned me not.  No more do I.

My Father knows my holiness.  Shall I deny His knowledge, and believe in what His knowledge makes impossible?  Shall I accept as true what He proclaims as false?  Or shall I take His Word for what I am, since He is my Creator, and the One Who knows the true condition of His Son?

Father, I was mistaken in myself, because I failed to realize the Source from which I came.  I have not left that Source to enter in a body and to die.  My holiness remains a part of me, as I am part of You.  And my mistakes about myself are dreams.  I let them go today.  And I stand ready to receive Your Word alone for what I really am.


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