How to read A Course in Miracles

How to read A Course in Miracles

Underneath the words of A Course in Miracles is a deeper, spiritually comprehensive “language” which I call Light Language.

Ken Wapnick says A Course in Miracles is written like an epic poem and has the musical flow of a symphony.

When first reading the Course, let it flow over you without a need to make sense of it. Many people describe the ACIM text as dense, but it need not be experienced that way. Arthur Fine, a long time Course practitioner, says the language first seemed convoluted and impossible to understand but after a while flowed like syrup.

Come to A Course in Miracles with an open heart and open mind. Be a sponge and soak in the wisdom and beauty that the surface words symbolize. Absorb the mighty Light Language beneath the written symbols.

We experience the wisdom and guidance of ACIM to the degree we can tolerate Truth.