Begin the year in joy and freedom

Begin the year in joy and freedom

Are you willing to begin 2015 in joy and freedom?
Do you dare to take your place in the Great Awakening?
In Chapter 15, sometimes referred to as “the Christmas chapter,” Jesus invites us:

So will the year begin in joy and freedom.
There is much to do, and we have been long delayed.
Accept the holy instant as this year is born,
and take your place, so long left unfulfilled,
in the Great Awakening.
Make this year different by making it all the same.
And let all your relationships be made holy for you.
This is our will.
(T-15.XI. 10:8-14)

Enjoy this beautiful video from the Foundation for Inner Peace:
Celebrating Christmas with the Course

You are certain to join the Great Awakening, because no one is left behind.
The question is, how long will it take you to choose to follow your Internal Teacher, Who offers joy and freedom, instead of the shackles of the ego?

Happy Holy Days~ Amy

P.S. If you haven’t already signed up for Workin’ the Workbook,
this is your chance to begin on Jan 1st, 2015!

WORKIN’ the WORKBOOK is a 365-day online VIDEO class that helps you experience miracles as a normal part of your daily life.

Miracle Principle #6: “Miracles are natural.
When they do not occur something has gone wrong.”

Only $37 a month, and ONE MONTH FREE if you sign up by Dec 31st, 2014.

Make 2015 your year of joy and freedom!

(It’s easy to cancel if it’s not for you.)