Lesson 66: My happiness and my function are one.

Lesson 66: My happiness and my function are one.

Form and content.

Function is content.  Happiness is form.  Though happiness can be expressed in many different forms, it arises from the Holy Spirit’s purpose that we awaken from the ego dream by practicing forgiveness.  In that way, function (purpose) equals happiness.  Happiness and function are the same.  “My happiness and function are one, because God has given me both.”

John Paul Caponigro

The ego argues endlessly with this idea.  That is only because ego needs to keep our attention.  Ego diverts us from listening to the Holy Spirit by offering us endless possibilities and varieties of anything and everything.  The Holy Spirit does not fight back nor dispute at all.  It merely sits and waits for us to voluntarily choose again; choose against all this ego drama and chaos and nonsense.  By choosing against ego, we open the door to Holy Spirit.

“The first premise is that God gives you only happiness.”

“The second premise is that God has given you your function.”

Think about this.  “You will listen to madness or hear the truth.”

“Today’s idea is another giant stride in the perception of the same as the same, and the different as different.  On one side stand all illusions.  All truth stands on the other.  Let us try today to realize that only the truth is true.

Note: Bold mine.