Lesson 58: covers Lessons 36 – 40

Lesson 58: covers Lessons 36 – 40

My heart feels full with the nourishment of these holy lessons, rephrased, pointed and potent.  We continue.

Lesson 36:  My holiness envelops everything I see.  This is True self-esteem! “Having forgiven” (dropped all judgment) “I no longer see myself as guilty.”  I am Innocent, I am Whole.  Now, “I can accept the innocence that is the truth about me”.

Lesson 37:  My holiness blesses the world.  Everything must share my holiness because holiness is Wholeness.  Therefore my holiness must bless the world.

Lesson 38:  There is nothing my holiness cannot do.  The only thing to be saved from is illusions.  Illusions are nothing but false ideas about myself.  Holiness undoes all false ideas by asserting Truth.  All idols must vanish in the presence of my holiness.  This airtight logic bursts the ego’s airtight bubble.

Lesson 39:  My holiness is my salvation.  “Salvation is a promise, made by God, that you would find your way to Him at last.” W-II.2. What Is Salvation?

Lesson 40:  I am blessed as a Son of God.  “My Father supports me, protects me, and directs me in all things.  His care for me is infinite, and is with me forever.  I am eternally blessed as His Son.”  And since all is One, All are eternally blessed by God, not in numbers, but in Unity.