Lesson 18: I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.
In truth, God Mind is Oneness. When we quiet our mind, we experience the Stately Calm Within. And that alters how we see everything and everyone in the physical world.
Our experience as humans is as individuals, tribes, communities, etc. In actuality, our Source (God) is Light and our essence is Light.
We are not alone in experiencing the effects of our seeing because the thoughts that give rise to seeing are never neutral.
The world is neutral until it is infused with thought.
Bodies are neutral until they are infused with thought.
Or to put it a better way, the world and bodies are always neutral — they only seem to take on meaning depending on the thought that turns them into a symbol of darkness or Light; separation or Unity; fear or Love; death or Life.
If our thoughts are aligned with God, Spirit, Source, then we experience “others” as brothers.
If our thoughts are aligned with ego, the separate I, then we experience brothers as others.
In other words, if the Cause of our seeing is God’s Light, Light is the filter through which we experience the physical world and everyone and everything in it.
If the cause (that lower case “c” is deliberate) of our seeing is ego darkness, darkness is the filter through which we experience the physical world and everyone and everything in it.
The Course in Miracles workbook lessons are training the mind to remember its essence, to turn towards the Light, embrace the Light, and be embraced by the Light. Recognizing ourselves as Light is the recognition of a loving, unified Self. It must be perceived to be believed.