Lesson 15: My thoughts are images that I have made.

Lesson 15: My thoughts are images that I have made.

What we think of as seeing is not what Jesus would call seeing. He says the function we have given the body’s eyes is “image making.” True seeing, from Jesus’ point of view, is Vision. Holy Spirit Vision. And it has nothing to do with perceiving external objects.

Jesus says we do not understand “image making” now but we will begin to understand it when we “have seen little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now.” That will be the beginning of real vision.

It turns out that we may “have many ‘light episodes’.” They may be unexpected, and take different forms, and we are not to be afraid of them. They “symbolize true perception” and prepare the way to Knowledge.

I can attest to experiencing light episodes in the form of what doctors call “ocular migraines.” The first time my eyesight was assaulted with strident flashing lights, I was afraid I was having a stroke. It turns out what looks like a visual event is actually a little brain spasm. It happened another time or two before I remembered what Jesus told us in Lesson 15: “Do not be afraid of them.”

I consciously relaxed and allowed the ocular migraine (there was no painful headache, just flashing lights so I’ll just call them “oculars” from now on) to unfold. It resolves in about 30 minutes and I was no more the worse for wear. But I was still anxious, just less so.  However, as years went by and oculars came and went, I really did let go of fear and trusted there was no danger.

The visuals became prism-like, reflecting beautiful colors. A kaleidoscopic light show to be enjoyed. When I mentioned this to doctors, ophthalmologists and neurologists, they knew nothing of this kind of ocular. For them, oculars were in black and white and maintained the lightning flash formation at the periphery of eyesight.

It would be easy to overlook my oculars as a health concern and not connect them to spirituality. Except spiritual awakening is the consuming interest of my life and so I managed to remember Lesson 15 and apply it. That is what’s important. The ego is a master of forgetting. The Holy Spirit helps us have selective remembering. When we make a habit of remembering our workbook lessons, and the principles within them, we are well on our way to recognizing the Truth that abides within us, even when we’re oblivious to it.