Lesson 12: I am upset because I see a meaningless world.
Speaking for myself, I feel afraid seeing a meaningless world because that means random violence, cruelty and chaos to me. But what Jesus is telling us is that the world only has the meaning we assign to it. The ego set the world up to embody and symbolize separation from God. The world, in and of itself, is a neutral thing. When used by the Holy Spirit, the world symbolizes Union and reflects God’s Love.
Lesson 12 gives us a “correction for a major perceptual distortion.” We have believed, unconsciously, what the ego has told us about the world. Jesus gives us exercises that challenge, what has until now, been absolute to us: that, as yesterday’s lesson illustrated, our thoughts, not external objects and events, determine the world we see.
If we can accept the world as meaningless, or neutral, and let God’s Truth be written upon it for us, it would make us indescribably happy, says Jesus. We have “written” meaning upon the world to make sense of it but that hasn’t worked. If we can trust Jesus, we will see that “Beneath your words is written the Word of God.” How beautiful!
Jesus goes on to tell us, “the ultimate purpose of these exercises” is to allow our words to be erased so that we can see God’s Word. As I open myself to this, something Loving slowly moves through my heart and brings tears to my eyes. Healing is in process. Miracles are swirling within like gentle snowflakes, pure and purifying.