Lesson 320 – My Father gives all power unto me.

Lesson 320 – My Father gives all power unto me.

Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)

My Father is always shining upon my mind for I am within His Mind.  What He shines gives me full power to extend His Love, Strength, Peace and Joy to All.  What He shines is Unifying, Innocent, Beautiful, Relaxing, Energizing, Alive, Still … this Endless Power is available to everyone, all of us, just as an outlet is available for a plug.  Plugging in to Spirit is to be charged limitlessly and free of charge 😉  Our only choice is “when.”  How about Now?


My Father gives all power unto me.

The Son of God is limitless.  There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father gave in his creation.  What he wills with his Creator and Redeemer must be done.  His holy will can never be denied, because his Father shines upon his mind, and lays before it all the strength and love in earth and Heaven.  I am he to whom all this is given.  I am he in whom the power of my Father’s Will abides.

Your Will can do all things in me, and then extend to all the world as well through me.  There is no limit on Your Will.  And so all power has been given to Your Son.

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