Lesson 299 – Eternal holiness abides in me.
Commentary (full lesson beneath commentary)
Eternal holiness is the answer to the riddle the ego has posed. It is the Vibrant, Loving, No-Thing behind the meaningless images the ego has made. Loving Holiness and Heavenly Light prevails.
Eternal holiness abides in me.
My holiness is far beyond my own ability to understand or know. Yet God, my Father, Who created it, acknowledges my holiness as His. Our Will, together, understands it. And Our Will, together, knows that it is so.
Father, my holiness is not of me. It is not mine to be destroyed by sin. It is not mine to suffer from attack. Illusions can obscure it, but can not put out its radiance, nor dim its light. It stands forever perfect and untouched. In it are all things healed, for they remain as You created them. And I can know my holiness. For Holiness Itself created me, and I can know my Source because it is Your Will that You be known.
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